
I literally cheered when they got it out!

my face now hurts from the video-long squee expression .. Thanks a lot bunny and cat! -_-

Lol satan in a fur coat

I laughed way too hard at this! Aww the crafty widdle cute effer!

This. And I like cracked too.

da fuq did I just read..... Whatever it was I say kudos to (now) Martian eve I hope she finds her alien friend!


holy crap she's hot in this!!

There are women who re-wear underwear ?! Like not because they're stuck in the wild or smth?? Wow...

not sure what you mean by cool girl BS...ur point seemed to be that 'ppl like me' like to tout equal rights only when it gives them a chance to hit women .. Seeing as how I am female and can hit another female without having gendered violence be an issue I think that effectively nullifies ur original comment. How bout

oh well we seem to be On The same page because there is no way his (over) reaction is justified. Carry on XD

agreed. Read my comment I said regardless of whether she hit him first the response was disproportionate

HahHahah joke is in you because I AM a womon so I guess yea..... What was ur point again?!

women are not children. To make this analogy is sexist. And no knocking someone across a room in response to a smack is disproportionate but smacking someone back because they did first is not regardless whether that person is male or female .

yes! Equal is equal we don't get to pick and choose which equal treatment we want dammit

agreed. I think whoopi is basically saying that no one regardless of sex should hit someone and not expect to get hit back. I don't know if the fiancée hit first in this instance or what but even if she did the retaliation seems disproportionate so not defending the footballer. But just because you're a womon does not

so beta = new word for engagement ??

this is the most bull shit I've read all day!! For them to try to justify this by saying 'it's really for the future child's own good' is ridiculous. I've never heard a rainbow family made to sound any dirtier than in this quote :/

the chemistry between the two stars on the today show was hella weird ! My SO said they're banging... I said either that or they really don't get along irl... Time shall tell! Maybe...