
I'm sad there's not more JarPad love on here...*sniff sniff* I'm afraid to go on tumblr tho cos that's just gonna be the opposite and make me OD reaaalllllyyyy fast! XD

o wow that explains it! He looks so happy in that pic I abs believe he's just a trooper in spite of his troubles :D

this made me cry! Lucky kitty and lucky u <3 also wow that's a lot of $$ Oo

also cancelled cable 3 months ago and don't miss it a bit! Between Netflix an the android box I'm all set

I have a hard time telling the difference too.... Humanity is so effin ridiculous in it's battles most times..:/

Stephen king's mr Mercedes or joyland


reading the comments in the original article made me sick! So many judgemental assholes who think they could never become 'poor' because 'you can always find a job if you really want one' *rage* I'm a healthcare practitioner who was unemployed for most of last year getting by on savings, unemployment benefits and

same here. As a 32 year old uni graduate I consider myself well versed in historical events and whilst I def know of the disaster I've never seen that picture :/

As a non-pink human I also see nothing wrong with Zoe's perspective on race.. She's a bit idealistic but so what?? There's nothing Uncle Tom about those remarks and I think sometimes journalists are so full of shit

Excellent read! Thanks for the link

I don't leave vm cos no one ever checks them, I certainly never do! The only exception are if it's business related and u know the person has a desk were they will check their vm or for a restaurant to call me back for reservations. Even then it's short an to the point...VMs suck

def not just u.. I had to do a double take because I thought it was Marc Anthony at first

This. ALL of this!

and he's black... I see what u did there! XD

Same sorts of fights here... Sigh I feel as if hair and clothes would be easier almost:/

yup. Exactly.

'the book scene IS the problematic scene' how anyone can read the excerpt posted in te article and not realise it is not consensual at the beginning is beyond me.... Was the author of this piece even reading their own copy/paste?!

joined kinja (finally!) just to say how much I agree with this and how I appreciate you succinctly putting into words what I've thought for a while now. Thank u!