
Please dont let this come off as victim blaming. Have we not figured out that celebs REALLY enjoy being famous. People (mostly ladies, but not always) get over eager because of someone they saw on television and clearly it can put them in terrible situations. These type of people, actors in general, but especially

This is a decent take in my opinion. I guess the real question is, when it’s a fictional character portrayed by an actor how much does consent really matter, the character isn’t real after all. Does it apply to fanfic of characters which are played by real actors? what about fictional characters that are sometimes

Keanu is just happy to be making people happy, even if it’s because they’re a bunch of internet perverts modding video games to perform questionable sexual activities with his digital form. 

I feel you sort of, but my problem is A) it’s software you own and B) the implications of there being different rules for whether or not a real celebrity is used as the basis for a character or if it’s spun from whole cloth.

I mean Keanu is a fairly private celebrity that lives fairly out of the limelight of publicity but whenever we do get a glimpse of his private life, he’s just up to cool, mild mannered or charitable activities that don’t really make waves.

I mean, I’m pretty sure some celebrity somewhere is making money this way. They are just keeping it quiet, like when stars used to go  Japan to make commercials.

I definitely think it’s an issue of consent and CDPR was right to get rid of said mods. That said, I am delighted at Keanu’s enthusiasm at the idea. It’s deeply disconcerting, but I respect it nonetheless.

This is one of those cases where both Reeves’s and Moss’s reactions are completely understandable.

The vegan argument isn’t a very good one. If you’re a vegan going to Stinky Pete’s Big Beef Jamboree you know that you’re making a mistake. If you’re going to a Michelin star restaurant, you at least don’t expect you’re making a mistake. Instead, you’re expecting food, at least enough to be considered a meal.

I’ve been to multiple Michelin star restaurants and was full every time I can remember.

Did you read the article? This chef FAILED. Capital-letter failed. The guests were all left miserable and hungry.

I have absolutely been served a full meal at pretty much every Michelin joint I’ve ever frequented. 

It’s what Ellen said when she hosted the Oscars: “Let’s be honest, it’s not that we don’t have time for long speeches. We don’t have time for boring speeches.”

I’d argue that plenty of TV shows, especially streaming ones that are released all at once for binging, are poorly paced and badly in need of more ruthless editing, but setting that argument aside I think there’s something about chapters that makes it easier to power through something. A 400-page thriller where no

145 minutes?! Movie bloat is completely out of control. My hot take is that 60-70% of movies can be competently told in 90 minutes, another 20-ish% told in 2 hours, and very, very few movies really need to be longer than 2 hours. In particular there have been vanishingly few comedies - no matter how dark or satirical

I’m pretty sure my main takeaway from this movie will be extreme jealousy that a real apocalypse comet isn’t coming for us anytime soon. 😒

So she would be an ACAB hero in Seattle, right?

On the one hand, most people aren’t exactly chill with killing police officers, but on the other hand they really lean into it for some reason here. Like of all people, an attorney’s black wife should understand why someone might feel less than hospitable to the police.

Great, another movie made just so the lead actor can do a blatant audition tape for The Emoji Movie 2.

You guys...Lindy is joking. The hyperbole is for the sake of comedy. You're still allowed to like the trash that is Love Actually. You needn't sharpen the pitchforks against the lady who just brought cock bloctopus into to Lexicon. That would be wrong.