
until one goes into manual mode and blocks you “because yer in my lane!”

The BMW will say “Thanks for stating the obvious. Tell him yourself.”

The BMW will say, “You should have known where I was going!”

This x1000. All the autonomous technology aint worth shit if the bridge you’re on collapses into the river. Of course this requires no work or money on their part, and it gives them control over your vehicle, so they are all for it.

How about you fix the fucking roads first before trying to get cars to talk to each other.

Now playing

Kind of a cute moment posted in follow-up: here’s the M-Sport team’s reaction when they found out Ogier was driving for them. (Skip to the end.)

Double wishbone Hondas,

“Mumble mumble family. Mumble mumble..”


Now playing

I think this was the original, original F&F trailer from 2001, that got everyone out of their seats. It’s a much better scored and sequenced trailer in my opinion.

If you get really stoned beforehand and try to ignore all of the ridiculousness, it’s not a bad movie.

Everything except Lil Bow Wow and the untalented main actor. 

“The film looked like a break from the LA street races and transported you, instead, to the faraway land of Japan and introduced you to a new type of driving.” The irony is that most of the movie was filmed in LA.

Tokyo Drift was awesome though.


Here’s what I find amazing. Regardless of who was responsible for the acquisition of the information leaked from the DNC and John Podesta’s personal email, no one in the media or on the left (not that there is a difference) care about the content. They only care that they lost an election. For instance, the NY Times

Y Jamon!

Lo siento, pero no entiendo. En ingles por favor.

He’s not wrong that the F35 costs are out of control, but I think there’s a an allegory about horses and barn doors that covers this.