
The problem is he’s not going to get them. He’ll simply cause the government to dig in. The Castros have done fine for themselves for over 60 years, Cuba’s not going to change because Trump demands it.

You know, I have a close family friend who had to flee from Cuba when Castro came rolling through. The family that she still has in Cuba lives in squalor. She can’t bring money to them because the government takes it. I’ve heard her tell horror stories that she experienced first hand.

“religious and political freedom for the Cuban people. And the freeing of political prisoners.”

Know what else was majestic? Dinosaurs. For every species that dies off, another comes along. It’s evolution.

Some shows reach a point where there’s no more story to tell, or they have one final story to tell but have to wait until they know it’ll be the last season before doing so.

I don’t go for the sky is falling sensation so called journalism, there is nothing to report right now we are in a news vacuum, so all of sepeculation does nothing but create panic and speculation, this is irresponsible journalism.

And the millions of other voters didn’t?

More like it’s states that traditionally run GOP having errors in urban areas that traditionally go democrat.

I helped a friend install one of these. It was pretty tricky and took a long time.

I helped a friend install one of these. It was pretty tricky and took a long time.

Planes have been having wings for way too long. The lazy asses designing them need to step up their game.

That’s what happens when you just kinda wing it.

15 years of design and construction and that’s the best they can do? It just looks very plane.

This so looks like the MiG 1.44

Ehhh. Nah.

This email scandal is one of the primary reasons I will NOT vote for HRC. I am a defense contractor and know the paperwork and the yearly training that is required to gain access to classified information. Proper handling of said information is drilled into your head from the moment you sign. Ignorance of the law is

She was already found guilty, but because she had no “intent” or whatever reason they gave, they let it go. I mean, they really let it go because they don’t want Trump in power and because the Clintons have so much dirt on people and so many bribes going out that it’d be impossible to throw either of them in jail.

Can everyone just agree to write in Bernie Sanders already? Neither of these people should be running the country, and Bernie’s pretty much the only one with no dirt on him.

Here is the scenario: Hilary get elected and later on, she is found guilty and have to resign. Democrats stays in power ...

Yeah, this looks very bad. They wouldn’t reopen a case on a maybe, or “if’s.” Clearly the FBI have discovered something that might be too important to let go, even for Hillary Clinton.

He previously said the investigation was “complete.” It is now being reopened. There is no way around it. And it’s hard to imagine him taking that step if it wasn’t evidence material to a criminal offense