
Best buy deal of B2G1, SR3 is eligible. My roommate and i purchased two copies and he picked up Skryim. $105 after tax. Good deal.

Ok i get your point. But i feel like you missed some of mine. This is about gift giving, and your not the receiving end. Consider this scenario: You ask a loved one, parent, whomever for an iPod touch this holiday season. When you do not receive it, there is no animosity. Then your told: "Oh we decided to wait and get

I disagree with the iPod. Its last years tech, doing it just as well this year as it did last year for $100 less. If you wanted one last year, and don't have one, ask for it. If you have an iPhone, why are you even considering it? And that is really where my issue is with your post. How do you compare a $600 phone to

Very true, but then you will have much longer load times due to all those interactable objects being loaded into memory. I agree with you as well with that method, but i do not know how bad those loading times for certain areas would become. If they only need to reference them once they are moved than that should work

Microsoft doesn't make Zunes anymore, however they have continued the use of the Zune Marketplace (and it is still named that on XBOX360) for renting/selling movies, tv shows, and music to the consumer through Xbox and other places. So i would assume to see Zune marketplace integration for this software. Why does it

Yea that was exactly what i was thinking when he left the dining room to go the first Zombie you encounter. And that second hallway out was there. I was all "Thats a dead end room" then i remembered.

And now we all know why New Vegas did the same thing. Alright Bethesda too many interact-able objects. Drop the useless shit. No one ever picked up a medical clipboard in Fallout because they wanted to, it was always an accident. No one needs those, remove them. Some memory free. Repeat process with all those items.

Maybe now there is a toad fight, but never back when.

What game in the recent past was released with Yoshi in it as a playable or usable character that is not a Mario Kart series or Smash Bros series? You are right though it is not so much a bring him back scenario, as a return to him to his former glory scenario. But i am concerned that he is lost to this only, never to

I think all us 80's children who grew up moving from NES to SNES miss Yoshi. He was mario's poor abused little reptile friend/helper. I and so many others sacrificed him for that extra hit point in Super Mario Land. We chased that annoying little crying baby mario down and let him ride the yoshi to glory. We got all

At first i was the mad Gamer. They guy who still wants that original clunky Xbox360 GUI. But the more that i think about it, good for microsoft. Slowly turning the 360 into the TV game console/media box/cable box/etc. It is a good market move. And i can think of a few more people like me who might need some time with

As i read that original post quote and your comment, only one thing really came to mind.

Dude, if there were a nomination on this site for Zing! of the day. I would nominate you for it today. Still laughing.

Yep lets regulate video games. Just like they tried in California, and lost. Because then you would have to regulate the movie industry, books, and so much more that has 1st amend. protection of artistic expression.

Your forget to mention cloud storage, and whatever else amazon has added to prime since i last checked. (Having had it since the beginning, i love Prime. So much more than what i paid for is now included) And also Google will need to create Google Student to battle Primes student pricing. (Which is awesome)

Yea that was my first thought. And you can see the pouches on the vest for small weight increments. I would have to agree with you on this one.

Well for one second, One single second it did. Then i noticed i opted out when I set up my phone. Simply by saying no i dont want to send my usage data.

Those vouchers, they don't hand them out for video games, which is the case in this discussion of the OP. I am sure if that dude was at best buy, target ,toys r us, the same outcome would transpire. It is people, not location. If walmart is banned, then those people will go to other stores, creating the same issue.

The problem with people attempting to pull Siri out of instantly is that Siri is built on an adaptive framework. The software learns a little each time it is used. Every day as 4S users us the software it sends the data to servers that host it (thats why we get cannot connect to network problems, Siri wont do anything

Yea you beat me to it, but any silent hill game has some crazy good paintings in it.