
I agree with you. They should just shift it all to cyber monday and let people duke it out over the internet. Seriously, i can't see a problem with this solution other than the shipping costs for the stores, but it would relieve the need for overtime workers, security, and the inevitable bullshit that occurs.

Yea essentially. Your software is unlocked, where as ours is not. Its not as simple as i am making it out to be, but that is the general gist. (Are you sure your carrier locked also, can you swap SIMs and have no issue with another carrier?)

Once again, Canada sells unlocked iPhones. Even if it is then from your provider, and locked to your provider for service its not the same as what we receive here as a locked phone (software differences). Canada is not part of the United States, this free built in tethering is not available to US consumers. But

Dodging all the anti-gun talk in the comments, i just want to say: Pistol Grip Pump on my lap at all times. (god i miss you Rage... And now due to the mossberg that song is stuck in my head)

Yea you have an unlocked iPhone i presume? I believe that is how the phones are sold outside of the United States. (I know in Europe they are) Here in the US providers want a piece of that data pie in the sky. And its a huge freaking piece.

Gears of War 3 is 34.00 not 30.00 at BB. (The price changed at some point during the late morning or early afternoon.)

Yea i too agree with that. Such a good story for Advent Rising, and such a good game. And then poof. NOTHING.

Having played a lot of chess in my lifetime, I think that this is a horrible idea. Take a long time established game that requires concentration and forward thinking, and destroy it all by adding a player and more squares than needed. A standard chess board has 64 squares. (32 per player) This has 144, or 48 per

that is awesome. And your equation is valid.

Well when the sites finally go down, they hopefully will to!

Hell YES! bring back the classics!

Honestly, The only mario game to me that was better than US SMB2 was super mario land for SNES. Its not that SM1 and SM3 werent freaking amazing, and god i do love SM3. But SM2 was so different, so much more challenging, and much harder to complete. I love the challenge that 2 provided that was lost in 1 and 3 just

George Carlin would be proud of that list!

If you are referring to the CALO project funded by DARPA that made the PAL framework that Siri uses than sure. If you are refering to the SRI spin off company that designed Siri (from that freely available tax payer dollar funded project) that was acquired by Apple in 2010 then i disagree.

The only reason that this issue really gets under my skin, is that they adopted it in the Fallout game series. You could kill ANYTHING in fallout 1&2. If you were going to eradicate a town, the children must go to. Just another change that they made to that series that i am not fond of, but i must confess i do still

And they just shot the Boxee Box directly in the face. Atleast in my opinion.


I would really like to see some third party app developer go and distribute apples intellectual property under the circumstance: "See you can run Siri on anything we would like it to be on" mentality. Proof of concept is one thing, but to actually redistribute it, especially for use with Android... I believe that the

Well it doesn't look like that for starters!

That is kinda what i was thinking with a laugh... A really good laugh.