
Yea i thought about putting in parenthesis: unless you are backed by a politician and we (the taxpayers) bail your ass out.

Hmm. No it is not speech, or anything really covered by the constitution. The right to assimilate and congregate no where states: as loud as you want with combustion engines included.

Perfect storm it is, and the capitalist in me still says what a shit business model. I think it really comes down to what does their contract with blizzard say. They must have one if they are paying royalties, i would hope. Because if they do not, they will not have a leg to stand on. And if they do, i am sure

Where do you draw the line on acceptable down time? That aspect is well stressed in the online gaming world from developers and an accepted standard. Servers have to be maintained and new servers always have hiccups. See my response to other person, it more clearly states my issue on the lawsuit aspect. Compensation

Oh it eventually does and i agree that they should get some compensation, say not paying royalties for another month on the software. (Think about the # of installations that would be a decent sum).

I feel bad for them, honestly the whole online only DRM thing is a hassle. But also i feel like this equates to: we want money because your game has acted up in the first few months of release, and our business platform is based off this not happening.

Yea as for music memory in the 90's good luck. Like there isnt a magnificent crust of grunge around an alternative center from the time i was playing these games.

Yea i agree, EA removing local multiplayer from the SSX reboot was a kick in the nuts also.

HA, i reference that all the time when people act out or are angry at me.

That show and a few others from the time, Mainly Rocko's Modern Life. I mean when i was young and watching them i never really understood the subtle nods and adult humor. But when i was little older and they were still on, I was amazed.

So glad i bought this when it premiered last week. I went to download some just to find out this awesomeness.

Yea nothing like fitting the data to the hypothesis, instead of gathering unbiased data.

No it is not legal, But the court will decide that the end justified the means because the crook was caught and no real civil liberty, in their perspective, was breached. You know the 2 hour detainment part does not breach our rights, no...

I felt this was obligatory.

4 days to get them up and running again? Obviously Dell people have never met the hard reset that most iOS devices use. My old 5th gen iPod freezes all the time, 5 minutes later i have it running again. Used to be like 2, but i always have to look up the reset when i forget, because you know it happens rather

Ha. I almost need a clean pair of underwear from that laugh. They, They.... do not even realize it.

You could already be a vampire as i recall in Skyrim. Sanguinare Vampiris infections that went untreated turned your character into a Vampire.


And that kids is why you don't do meth.

Everytime i shoot my shotgun, i think of that exact quote.