
I thought the next android was going the be named: "frosted cake donut" !

Yea sorry RIM your dying. I ditched my blackberry on 10/14/11. When my pre-order showed up that i ordered the weekend of your error. Granted you were already dying RIM and i felt that final straw was already thrown on my camels long broken back. My new iPhone works great, and does what i ask of it. And also a bit more

I remember reading this somewhere, i actually think it was here. Checking.... yep it was here. [gizmodo.com]

Forgot part of that saying, its slower than molasses in the winter. If that molasses was on my hot southern biscuit, it moves a hell of a faster than Gawker's NAS.

I guess you are correct. I should expect these type of errors with a Tech site writing on basic scientific principals. But you know, i would expect that since they do seem to report on beer and booze enough, they might know that Ethanol is a liquid. Seeing as they do drink it. But alas, i will just continue to take

Look at otterbox for the dimensional differences between the two cases. That will show you that they are not the same size in any dimension really. All are a few millimeters off. When purchasing a snug fit case, that matters.

No, I can write. Unfortunately, for some reason, i cannot edit my comments at all on this site recently. And because of that i can't change the sentence that is fucked up. ("ethanol is" it should have read, but no dice on the edit so i just left it)

ethanol is a bio-fuel, not all bio-fuel is ethanol. Typically in the research and development world, bio-fuel refers to biodiesel and it's analogs and not ethanol. Which we all just call alcohol (or booze for fun.)

My thoughts EXACTLY. I am sitting in a chemistry lab as i write this. Yep, ethanol liquid state at room temp and atmospheric pressure. Natural gas HELL NO. Gas under pressure to maximize the concentration:volume ratio sure a Gas, natural not.

Love the consistency today Giz. 4S hate, 4S love. how about you just write a non subjective info piece on it. You know some journalism. One article not 400.

Ha, haha. Sure, sure microsoft will make a profit. But will they really touch the market share? It is not people saying they are ditching their iPhones for others since the 4S is not the 5 we all were expecting. They are simply saying they are not impressed enough with it to drop the $$$ for a new unit if they are not

That may be the best argument for ease of use of iOS i have ever heard. I really don't like apple when it comes to hardware (specifically their computers more than anything else) but they did really get the software aspect down well.

And it will poop gold while it charges and make your penis grow 4 inches in size and will make you cool even if your as uncool as possible. And it will magically cause world peace and stop the economy burst. And so on and so on. (I love these predictions it is always fun to pick on "magic")

Ok Giz i listened to you about waiting for the iphone 5 in Feb. Thinking hey, its just a short wait till june with the keynote, and then early July with the release. And then it was September, and then it was october. And then it was a 4S and not a 5. How about you shut the hell up and let me ditch my shitty

If your in denver and have tickets to todays (Saturday) sessions of the GABF they have this at their area. It is good.

Thank you i was going to say the same thing. Living in central east coastal Florida, not only do i not need to be reminded. But i really hate it when they do this, oh there are more hurricanes. NO SHIT and unless it is out there right freaking now, shut up about it. Worries i dont need at the moment.

UV damage and other light damage to plastic caused it. Imagine the thing was in a home with a jesus cloth picture over a window, and the scenario could create that. Along with many many other scenarios, but i would bet its from light damage to the plastic.

Yes because everyone will pay for it. That logic is rather unsound. especially seeing that some people who choose to go internet streaming methods are trying to leave the cable/dish subscriptions for less costly options.

Sorry, have to.

Wow i was really happy to see that title. Seeing as my roommate just bought a Sony with GoogleTV built in. I was not happy when i saw this: "You'll need to be a paying cable subscriber to get the goods," because well we aren't.