
Activated Charcoal filters for rain water.... hmmm i smell a few problems, and so will the user of the jacket after a while. While that will help to remove things that cause taste and smell issues, it will do about nothing for anything else that is in there. Say that those rain drops are carrying a bacterial or viral

Oh i agree about the internet part as well. But the point of my original post was that it is moot if no one cares on the internet, because no one should in real life either.

If said this a million times, and ill say it a million more. Words only have as much clout/power as people give them. Curse words are only bad due to old fashioned societal views that stem from religion long ago. These words are harmless, and every word should be harmless. We communicate, that is necessary, but by

Exactly, especially for a DIY possible project. But i will admit, i can think of a few people (myself included) who would wear the shit outta this watch.

Im still waiting. Stupid me, should have just got my 4 on verizon in Feb. But no i had to wait for new hardware that we all initially thought would be out in the summer. Damn it.

Now this makes me feel bad about all the free Prime two day shipping. Sorry Guys.

Salt based systems are better for the whole process too. Less caustic on the pump bearings and internals, and also to the filter system. (Celite, or Diatomaceous Earth, filters were the only ones really designed to withstand chlorine pool conditions long term). Also most salt systems are on a hopper-style feed

Yea i was just thinking, hey I have seen my pool more green than that. Just this year, when i forgot the winterize it last year for. Boy it looked an algal farm for a biodiesel harvesting plant. Eco-Friendly would probably be better than green here. Because then i wouldn't get the wrong idea from the title.

Jeez, that image and thought never needed to be imagined. Scar boob.... Yep never needed to see that, even in my mind.

I was pretty sure there were women on the internet. Lemme Check real fast.....

No shit breasts grow a little after you smack the hell out of them, it is called swelling. And they should return to the normal size in a few hours. Making your breasts simply battered but not bigger. Just wow....

For some reason i cannot edit my comments (Thank you Giz for messing with stuff again), or it would now read 'mam instead of sir. But since i can't and i now feel like a moron for not looking at the name or avatar pic, i apologize like so and smile like a simpleton. (Boy do i feel stupid. Just goes to show, you can be

Not in Florida?!!!!! Surprised

Have you been to Natchez, because i have (From New Orleans, we venture over to MS sometimes), and you sir could have used that as your mayoral platform there and most likely won. At least a decent portion of the popular vote if nothing else.

Remember that episode of South Park where they try to collect money for views of butters what what in the butt video.

Ah the thought of a physically rolling Rick Roll. Hilarious, and it would only help the irony IMO.

"Netflix can focus on making its streaming business more of a winner"

But where is my instructable for this? I must DIY.

This just sounds retarded. There goes the one site ease of use that originally drew us in with the streaming options. There goes having an account that tracks your preferences regardless of the media format. There goes.... wait for it.... my netflix subscription once the year gift that i used for myself goes away.

Amazon. Release Day shipping. nuff said.