
I respect the hard working people on the police force. A lot, but they do have one use for lowlifes. Their Job. Without lowlifes we would really have no need for police forces to be the size and strength that they are if at all. (Now im not saying this would be bad, Utopian society when it comes to crime.) But that

I think in this case it doesn't have to do with the comment itself (the first amendment protects against censorship and the like) but about how this comment could be taken improperly as towards the "war" aspect of it. As it says in the original post quoted from the judge " ' You could be setting off a chain of events

Agreed man. I dont think the offer of $200 was right, but that thing would not sell quickly if at all. Also take into account that it is fitted for him, so not only would they have to find a buyer, but he would have to be able to fit in it. Too many variables and too much risk, thing is worth more than $200, but not

Oh Hackers, The names alone were enough to make me laugh the whole movie. And then there is Matthew Lillards character Cereal Killer. Not to mention the soundtrack was awesome. And that massive wipeout game in the arcade they play.... this list goes on for a while actually.

God damn if only that were real. So awesome.

You have to have a gold subscription AND your ISP has to be one of them AND you have to have a cable subscription for some of those companies that includes ESPN. (I have one of those companies as my ISP, i have only internet. they are a ESPN3 carrier, but i do not have access to it because i gave them the finger on

On the unrelated note: Doesn't it make looking at Kotaku like looking at a girls dorm room? i thought someone vomited color on here when i got on, only to read on giz that no the screwed around with the site design some more once we all got comfortable with the old new one.

Yea i agree with you, especially on the gamble part. Steam accounts are vast, to people who have them for valve software to people who have them just for steam sales. And everyone inbetween who buys whatever whenever for however much. Origin on the other hand i look at like this: hmmm EA games, i tend to purchase

Yea the color schemes. I got on this morning after checking in last evening and thought someone had puked all over Kotaku. Had to start looking for the "We continued to screw around with our site design on the Gawker Network" post. Wasnt a fan of the old new design, but like most had come to accept it and used it.

Oh i never noticed that i didn't get one every preorder, it must just be with anticipated games or large releases. Which is normally what i preorder so probably why i never noticed.

I just started replaying SR2 because of all the SR3 hype and i forgot the whole story. But yea i just leave the radio on "The mix" which is the 80's station. Drive by are hilarious with that or well just about any song on that station.

Ok in the case of preordering you still win on price most of the time (not taking tax into account here obviously) and you surely win on ease of shopping. You win on price just like in your scenario. Do they still do the $10 off your next video game purchase voucher with every preorder like the used to? I know they

I don't think that people generally want them to fail. But lets not forget the iOS and Android market for portable gaming. You have your phone with you at all times, constantly and when you have a free moment you boot up something and play for a few. Something comes up and you gotta go, take a call, etc.. Most of

Amazon.com is awesome for games. Especially if you wait a while to buy them they are normally cheaper than GS and in stock unlike my local BB. And with prime free 2 day shipping. Yay!

Just Wow. Amazing i... kinda want to go to an apple store now and order a pizza. Just because.

I am a 48 long now (being 6 foot 4 everything is a long), was a bit bigger but hitting the gym for 7 months 5 days a week changes that, however my shoulder width got a little bigger over this period. My old fat man sports coats fit well in the chest and i feel like i am going to chris farley out of the shoulders. I

As someone else in that category (im assuming your talking chest of 48 so think of your shoulder width!) i can imagine having to walk sideways through the narrow parts. Or just most of the time.

Oh professional like and what not. Not sharpie a proper Decal.

Don't forget to write "Mr. Fusion" on that food processor in sharpie. Because it won't work otherwise!

Blast from the Past with that 90's creation. Oh nick when you had real shows with real people.