
Seemingly looking for Matthew Broderick in War Games. *Continues to look. Squints a little*

I remember this crazy thing (the blob jump) from that movie Heavyweights in the 90's. Great use of it, lets put it in a movie created fat camp. Good times good times. Back when everything wasn't CGI. Never been on or near a real one, but damn that looks just as fun as it did all those years ago.

Ok here is my take on the portable devices must fit in your pockets take: I live in central coastal Florida (on the beach, eastern seaboard, half way down the state) so we primarily wear shorts here. And most us wear Board Shorts. Now if you have board shorts you know where i am going with this, if you don't just so

I live on the Florida Space coast (as we call it down here) and i have to say: You bastards woke me up at 6 A.M. thank you. Could not have been a little later huh. Nope 5:53 AM and i came out of bed like it was a gunshot.

Wow i have not seen that poster for Escape from New York in forever, i do remember it. Though i have seen the epic looking Kurt Russel VHS cover from the 90's very recently. Thank you netflix instant streaming for that reminder of Kurt Russel eyepatch wearing badass.

Steel is much more conductive than Titanium. The titanium has a thermal conductivity of 21.9 W/m * 1/K. Standard carbon containing steel is 43 W/m * 1/K. Stainless steel however is lower at 16. However the titanium number that i am using is for elemental and i assume this is an alloy. So if depending on what else is

WD is my choice of HDD when it comes to external. I have an old original my book with the usa connection (its like 5 years old). I thought i was dying a year ago when it started to sound "grindy" but it is still kicking. As are to the other three that i have that are much more recent than that one. But the one lacie


Oh shit i didn't even think of the ramifications to Gamefly subscribers. Ouch that blows for them.

Yea, Yea. I'm in too. 25+ please.

Ok i have just sat and watched some of said movie in my browser on the computer. And i cannot say with any confidence if it will stream upto 1080p on the computer. It is definitely above SD but it is really hard to say on a screen this small if it is 720p or 1080p.

That is questionable but here is my user input on that. I have netflix on both game systems. The PS3 will do 1080p streaming with 5.1 surrond sound, BUT only if they have uploaded in that format. If you are on the xbox 360 it will tell you anything that is 720p and standard surrond is HD. The ps3 will designate

Exactly and the streaming content provided on Netflix is not that good, hence why we continue to get physical media despite not wanting to wait or deal with it.

Good Job standing up for a classic. That movie is great.

Yea Monoprice, i love when my friends are all "I got a good deal on this HDMI cable! 6 feet like 40 bucks!" And i proceed to laugh and pull up monoprice for them. They get pissed and then rationalize it with "Well i didnt want to wait"

Yea so i dont want a 57 and a 46 year old woman who is pretty out of touch with the younger generation telling me what i should or should not be doing in my free time. Seriously they are not the people i want commenting on video games, lest yet what people about 20 years younger than them should be doing, there is a

Agreed, the original Kirby for NES was just superb, and then the ones for SNES while odd with the animals, were also well done.

hehe i asked: "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything"

That was informative, Thanks. I never bothered to dig all my old PS1 games out and try to play them on the ps3. on that note.... looking in the closet for the first three resident evils. Maybe going online...