
My thoughts too. Kind of pissed actually, fuck that really pissed. I want to play it with my friends on the couch.

Well if it was the AU release than no harm done right, Those guys had to pansy the game down a whole bunch to be released there i bet. (If you have no idea what i am talking about look at violent video games that have been released in AU) But aside from that just wow, no security.

Interesting I recall RE3 in america being called RE3:Nemesis. I think that Last escape is actually a better title. Instead here we had to focus on naming it after the antagonist.

Today in P.E. Class the seventh grade male population was reduced from 50 children to 15. We let them play dodgeball with a live bomb. nuff said.

Damn It. I really hope this doesn't end up catching on. But alas IMO if this doesn't fail miserably on the way out the door , which i dont think it really wont seeing as it can only generate more revenue from would be second hand games and has no effect on any one who purchases their games new, we will see this

I drink and game all the time. And i find that the level of drinking and the game type definitely matters. MY friends and I all drink and play L4D2 whilst doing so. As the gaming starts we are slightly buzzed and unstoppable. A few rounds in (beer and rounds of play) we begin to diminish in the win column and response

I too am growing very fucking tired of changing my passwords on such a regular basis. By this point i think i have changed them 10 times or so since the PSN hack took the system down. Just ridiculous.

I too sir have been feeling your exact same issue here and even much more so back on Gizmodo, where i do most of my posting and reading. I am slowly moving away from all the Gawker media sites and finding alternatives for my daily time kill information assimilation. Engadget will fufill my technolust needs. Should you

My thoughts exactly. And on that day ill be glad that the Digital Distribution copy is an option, because every store in my college kid filled small city will be sold out as soon as the internet tells us the price drop. And i wont even try to go get it, ill just go and buy a psn money card (cuz sony is not getting my

YAYYYY. so glad i have had one since the original blackberry storm was released on Verizon. Shit phone, great plan!

As did I. Glad to see i am not the only one who was expecting that turn of events.

Bubbles was too busy feeding his kitties to be bothered to comment on the issue. Only saying something about a Samsquench whilst muttering to his kitty.

I Thought of that skit as soon as read the post. He actually is still slightly funny, i found his new stand up routine (Douchebags and Donuts) and while some of it was so so, there were genuine i hate the world moments in there. Real Denis Leary moments, things that made me think of his role in Demolition Man moments.

Dude, that description is almost spot on for an old roommate of mine. He torrented everything and hacked what ever consoles he could at the time (original xbox and a psp when he lived with me) and pretty much everything he watched/played/or listened to he was "meh" about it. He never really cared. There were like 5

Dude your so right, he completely looks like Jenna. Thats really creepy.

Damn, where was this wrench in either Half Life or the First Bioshock. I mean you only used that sucker as a hammer.

Yes i really want my touch screen curved, that makes complete sense. (Sarcasm) I see this, if true, being a very very stupid move.

Actually it looks very similar to what the posters are that end up and National Science Conferences. For instance at the last American Chemical Society conference that i attended the posters section was full of mostly type face with some pictures or schemes or tables. But you need to have it prepared in such a fashion

As a scientist i can proudly say, That good sir is why journals have editors and tech Universities have a seemingly large humanities department. We need language inclined proper spelling grammar knowing people to fix some of our papers and presentations. Because in my long stay through undergrad and into grad school,

Well done there. I'd say quit your day job and open up a tech savvy psychic shop, but then you'll just end up with a ton of apple users asking about the next iPhone.