
That was my exact thought. Then i remembered that they have to pay for the Digital Distribution rights for everything that they stream, and they have to pay a portion to the companies every time that something is streamed after they exceed the initial distribution rights limit. So this means nothing for those

I agree with you, and should that party actually take the property it will be considered theft. However where do you lay the blame in the situation, the ignorance of the property removing party to the posts true origin will be used as leverage in the case. So what will the outcome be, will it be GTA (or whatever title

So explain how i have sat idly and happily with a game controller since well shit since like 1988 (born in 85) Yet i work my ass off to get my Ph.D. and teach these kids in college to pay my tuition, but yet have a serious Video Game addiction? Was i going to be the next Wonder Kid if my parents didnt buy me a gameboy

ok, I saw this with the original CS at my boarding school (D2 also did it the next year). Here are plausible solutions, though some of them are not going to be easy/fun.

Didn't notice that till i read the comment, but holy hell does he ever.

And myself as well, sorry for being a dick when the information wasn't there. This here was a great case of assuming, made an ass of both you and me.


Ahem, keep reading a thread before you comment. See as follows.

Oh i never knew that, well in that case Best of luck to you EggyHead. I hope that they bring it out on PSN because it is really a fun and hilarious game.

I just thought of Supertroopers. I want a Liter of Cola

Are you sure that they aren't protecting those windmills from syphilitic conquistadors? Don Quixote really had a thing for attacking windmills.

Considering that it was a PC/XBOX game and not on the ps2, I think that your SOL there. But if you can deal with the computer aspect get a steam account this game is well worth it.

Ha, i just watched that again the other day.

SOUTHWEST. Assuming it is an option.

Having just played infamous (thank you welcome back program) i had an image of the evil Cole trying to get that power back into the PS3, red lightning and all. And Mario just laughing at him, and having Wario fart in his face killing him.

Point and case of how to make a movie feeling in game: Heavy Rain.

Please share that with us all when you are done with that. I feel childhood nostalgia time will be upon some of us. Ill have to find me some ecto cooler and a box of TMNT cereal.

Imagine a crossover episode: Magic school bus visits Bill Nye to answer a question, instead he simply high fives the whole class, and we sit through a horrible mash-up of both shows ending sequence songs.

Yea i work with them a lot, basically every other day. Other than Francium because of its radioactive half-life. However, the stabilized portions of these that exist in batteries are none explosive when in contact with water.

And what about Psymon?