
Oh i completely agree. Just to get the DART ionization source alone is very expensive. I was speaking strictly from an analytical standpoint. Once considering the price of the Mass Separation unit (hopefully TOF) is very expensive, and the sensor as well. Along with the processing software licenses and the massive

First thing i know that they purchase the equipment, even Universities do we don't make them we use them. Second. in terms of a Mass Spec unit a minute is a fast time for analysis when considering sample ionization to fully processed mass spectrum data.

The cake is a liar, There is no cake. Oh Portal.

Umm you mean they werent using Mass Spec in the first place with the puffer machines. Just freaking wow, i'm amazed any undergraduate level chemistry major that has taken Analytical Chem could tell TSA that was the preferred method for quick identification of compounds. Especially if you have a good hard ionization

Already posted, but saw your post. I grew up in the Louisiana and hunted gator. And i just imagined shooting at one on the water with 12 gauge 00 buck, and it all bouncing off. (Edit: Or even worse, watching a slug bounce off)

I'm from New Orleans originally (grew up there, still vote there, going to grad school in FL). Alligators are a nuisance when they enter the city, however the chances that they will attack a human over a domestic pet is very small. Also, gators unlike crocs are less inclined to attack large mammals unless threatened

I like your hyperbole Sir. And i agree as well. No fucking encryption on user data, come on.


You are correct, NY passed a law in 2008 making it mandatory for all online sales in the state had to incorporate sales tax. You do not have a distribution center in NY, just a law.

Thinking your correct. For instance that hulk green color.... Ummmmmmm what is that?

It says up in the article that they are not available yet:

Yea i can see so many IR sources interfering with that feature. So many.

So what happens in the situation like mine, Where my roommate uses my PS3 in my living room with his netflix, because the TV there is better and the quality on the PS3 is better than the 360 which he has in his room. We share it, but its not like i input his password on my device (but i do know it in case something

Ok, so i have no cable and am a netflix whore, and i feel your gripe. But remember that they also get all the Starz Play shit on the instant stream. While not all of the really odd movies are starz play (Things like having one part of a trilogy or the sequel but not the original, not odd b films of where did they dig

I agree, and made sure i wasn't the first to comment. PC games are probably your best bet. Just take the space bar key command in the game and re-map it to something near WASD. If your lucky the game wont use all of Q,E,Z,X,C,F,R or maybe 1,2,3,4. and you can map it there making it less annoying to deal with. Or you

Hardest puzzle i have ever done was a 3D (it was a apartment hig hrise) where all the peices fit one another. And since this was the fashion, it was a mystery in a puzzle to figure out where the pieces belonged. Like looking through the open door in the piece and seeing the apartment number of the opposite room. Or

Well considering that it did loosely follow the plot and was based in generally the same area as F3: Van Buren was going to, i will agree with you there. Ohh Van Buren, if only you had been. Overhead and turn based, it would have been so good. Instead you were bastardized into New Vegas, also great but just not the

For a second all i could think when i saw the post title, was Huey Freedman's Black Power Fist from The Boondocks. I still want one of those puppies

Sad for interplay, i really am. So many good pc and SNES games they made back in the day.

Hmmm, Imagine Walken saying that to Ferrel, instead of cowbell!