
Well since i cant say this to him directly, (i don't really use facebook)

In this case (hah no pun intended) i believe it goes:

Well yes but no. We (and i mean we because im not that much of an alcoholic) Built a beeramid, however i'm pretty sure the standard thought up by the fraternity rules apply.


I just imagined Walker Texas MacGyver. Obviously with C. Nor kicking ass but Mac would have been his partner instead of that other guy, that would have been cheesy and epic.

The Koenigsegg comment : "Because if you're going to be sent through the gates of hell, it's best to do it backwards and on fire in a Swedish supercar" I feel like Jeremy Clarkson said this (maybe just the best to do it backwards and on fire in a swedish supercar part), and if he didn't well damn he should have.

For some reason, that comment made me think of launching the Ghouls out the RepConn Test Facility in Fallout:New Vegas for some reason. Those were rockets though, not shuttles. (Also of the space museum in Fallout 3, which was pretty well done)

I was the latter there. On the bus at 6:15 everyday to commute across a major city to school, asleep in class by 7:50

Hahaha, hope your on septic. Then you get to watch those cops search for destroyed evidence, in your poop.

Thank you for saying that. I don't need to type it, and you did a hell of good job going through the logic.

Considering that PSN is free, i am surprised to see that anything is being offered other than the PSN plus and Music service stuff. Still not thrilled with their week of waiting to tell us the truth, but not like we didnt all see it coming really.

Well we agree there on all three points. Your first two issues are spot on with mine from the original post. And as for the third one, i believe that you may be correct.

Buffering issues didnt seem to be a problem recently, but yes i also had those in the original month that i had back with the PS3. With the 360 free trial it was smooth, and like everyone was using it on the Xbox servers i imagine, with the free no information trial.

Im sorry but Hulu Plus is pathetic. I had it for a month when it was new, and for that free week thanks to Jack Links and Microsoft. I refuse to pay $8 and not have access to everything that is on Hulu.com and still have commercials,. Outrageous. I dont have cable TV. We have netflix, and im a prime member. Between

A guy smokes E-Cigs in the craft beer bar i frequent. Now they serve food, and i live in FL, so no smoking inside. I swear i want to smack that fucker everytime i see the water vapor, looks like smoke, when he exhales. And its not like he hits it and puts it away,(another person in the bar does that, and that is far

Great thanks to you. I just love when they screw with butters.

Mercenaries Mode was Originally a mini-game in RE3:Nemesis. Remember that is where the first umbrella mercs came in.... Carlos was even in storyline game mode.

Should also have the picture of butters going insane there, with that comment.

I too was thinking the same thing on that one.

Love that the release is on my Birthday, ill just have to ask for them. Even though they have the second (or first if you want to go by numbers and not real world time chronologically) trilogy which i dont much care for. Well other than Jedi Samuel Jackson... hehe just wanted to hear him say "Say what one more time!"