
Because this is America, and there is precedence required for a lawsuit if you are Suing them. Think of the american dream, Money without effort, now lets just be honest here for a moment essentially that just weans itself to suing someone. And as the masses without the ability to release all this does is hurt the

My first thought as well.

And now i seem to be getting a bit angry for not just getting my Verizon iPhone 4 back when it arrived, instead of waiting for the summer release of the new version of the phone.

I have to say that i know some people who play DC Universe that are pretty angry, but they are no where near as pissed off as my friends who just purchased SOCOM 4. They got like 3 days of online play before the outage happened, hell i might be off it was released 4/19. I have a PS3 and it has pissed me off, but

Dear lord that is spot on good sir. My roommate, myself, and my fiancee share a netflix account. And since we all have streaming devices activated, well enough said as to when we scoured all the original and basically upto recently new good content.

Totally my thoughts on this one.

Extremely true Good Sir. When i was updating my Fiancee's new iPod i decided to read the lengthy Terms of Agreement. (Well more like skimmed) And believe you me, like almost all Terms of Agreement i blindly say yes to, this had some things outlined i was not all that fond of. And then i realized, hey you know what

Thank you for the clarification on that one, was too busy and lazy too look it up. Does libel over take slander? (In other words it was slander first, but then went into press making it libel which would the counter suit be for, assuming not both is applicable)

Super mario RPG. The optional boss from (god i cant remember now i feel like a moron) Culex is his name and he is in monster town locked behind a door. Four crystals and the boss. Not impossible, however realistically it is something you need to go back at the last possible moment to do. (or know where everything is

Wonderful math Sir, my stomach agrees. Atleast when my taco bell is warm. (damn that crappy one closer to me than the good one. Every once and i while i go no it cant still be worse and im wrong)

Agreed. Taco Bell should just follow this with a counter suit against the original plaintiff for defamation of character, slander and/or liable (with the last two i do not know where it would fall, always a bit unclear). Atleast to recoup the losses of fighting this pointless battle, and to make an example of the

About the whole no seasons ones buddy:

How does being Vegan give you super powers? (i love that explanation he gives!)


Yea, man i hear you. I have cartridges for secret of mana, evermore, earthbound, and American FFIII amongst so many other good SNES RPGs and platformers (DKC 1-3 for instance). And while i have wii versions of most that i can, and emulators on iOS devices for some square games, it just doesn't cut mustard with me. I

Well it must be nice for those people, also being of average height. For me to weight 185 pounds at 6 foot 4 inches, well i would look like a heroin addict. Skin and Bones, and maybe i would weigh that little.

Paint it red, send 99 of them up. Que appropriate song, and Bingo we have: Music Video Surveillance

That image and movie took me to Little Nicky thoughts. And all i can put for the top image now is the "Sin is In" speech from the cardinal.

Yea that is essentially how i think most of us read that. Or if you can wait forever, it might end up on Stars, so you can watch it on netflix instant streaming. (Because you know the movie execs aren't going to give them the rights for like 4 more years)

That is the most valid point i have anyone ever see for the stupidity of Fox. Take a show, with massive potential for a following of viewers, and air it completely out of order, and cut the final four episodes. Then say viewership was too low and sell it off to SciFi, (or SyFy whatever the hell they are) and watch