
I sir would also like my money back for Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. When you start that suing process, let me know!

It was good enough with the image of him nut tapping himself playing, but the cowbell comment.... BRAVO good sir.

Gorilla Tape has held my mailbox (and many other things for that matter) together for three years through Florida coastal conditions. That shit rocks.

So I am working on a dissertation proposal currently (break right now), and i am using anywhere from one to three computers at a time to work on it. I find that when proofing, im using a hard copy of the actual paper, but for retooling one computer. The multiple screens come into play when i need to look at previous

Well done sir, great spot. I need some of those labels that size for fun.

So this is for all you SNES RPG gamers of the early and mid 90's. I recently purchased Secret of Mana on iOS because it was on sale. ($4. till 3/30) And i was overwhelmed by the authentic touched up 1993 squaresoft game on it. For all you guys like me that hate when they completely update a game, music and graphics,

That is true, and i get that concept. But while that is sonys issue, it is not the only thing that the firmware modifications allow. And while yes some people do just want free games, some people want to be able to use the full hardware potential. I don't argue the game issue, or the agreeing to the terms and

i agree with you on that. And that is where he went wrong, But in the current day and age how many people don't brag about things on the internet. And yes Things might be a bit different if he hadn't. But sony would still be doing what they are to the consoles software. And really, i still fell that its a moot point.

I agree with you on that. If you mess with the bios firmware on a motherboard that is originally from a company you do not end up with a lawsuit. It is just considered tweaking your set-up. Same goes for any other after-market changes. Just because Sony does not want you to have some capability that the hardware they

Oh come on guys, for every gross thing that we actually do that you know about, you use hundreds of products everyday that are the labor of our work, and enjoy them. The next time you use velcro or a ziploc bag, think what nasty failures occured first before that accomplishment was arrived at. And if you think that

You need to numbers to get any feeling for the changes that items, gear, stat changes, etc... make to your actual abilities. No one wants to keep putting stat points or their equivalent into something and not know if the change was worth it against the other options.

Does it have chain tools, I cannot see in the picture. That would be great if it really was a complete repair station with chain tools and spoke tools.

As most people that seem to disagree with the MP3 player are all in my boat, I too disagree.

Great idea, I think i will follow suit.

I wont lie, i was very happy to see some of the square enix games that were really old squaresoft games that made it into iOS. But $9 for secret of mana and FF1 are a bit steep. I mean yes the actual cartridges are worth a good deal, especially in box with manual. But that is due to time and rarity. I may have paid 10

I wondered how far into the comments it was going to be before i saw a FLCL image of her with said Guitar. Answer was not that far at all good sir.

Touch screens will not win the game area. Real gaming requires some more meat to controls. And more precision in most games as well. As the comments have stated FPS sucks on Touch screens. Yah some are alright, but how do they compare to major console titles like COD, Halo, Battlefield, etc... The do meagerly in

PLEASE! I and i'm sure anyone else who has watched the show not in the we aired it in the wrong order and forgot 4 episodes original screw networks version loves it.

Well i did not read the comments and i would bet some one has asked or pointed out, That the app fixed the issue with goggles not working on the ipod touch 4 gen. So for those of us out there that were iPhoneless with a Pod and angry that we couldn't google goggle the world. The time is NOW. Didn't you hear me people,

Completely fucking ridiculously true. I have a few laptops (and a few more that are no more RIP buddies.) And The only ones without that light are my brand new asus from the end of last year (thank them they used an old extremely low intensity yellow and orange light for everything but the standard green activity