Seriously, and then spend a little cash and get a decent game. Or if you really really need it, im sure they have a farmville (or other zynga game) app.
Seriously, and then spend a little cash and get a decent game. Or if you really really need it, im sure they have a farmville (or other zynga game) app.
Thanks for pointing that out, i am not near my touch at the current moment, but damn im getting it.
Unless of course it is Google Goggles and then despite the fact that the hardware is there, it will not let you use it on any iOS device, but only a iPhone 3gs or 4. Bastards.
Yea same here, Granted i also don't have that type of money currently.
Something tells me that they make more from their trust fund than you and I combined will make in our entire life.
A wonderful 90's reference. I approve.
How else will she clean up the puke stain from the pity drinking later?
Are you From Louisiana, Because if you aren't i wouldn't comment on the area. And yes it is, considering that Louisiana is mostly a conservative republican state, but yet this liberal area exists at the bottom of the river called new orleans. And oh yea, if you really dont believe it go to places like Monroe, Lake…
Great, And this is why people who were born in and grew up in New Orleans, say we are from New Orleans, and not from Louisana. I am speechless at this, and i've been in that capital building, it is damn nice.
And a little sweat in the pants the first time.
Yay. Another reason i hate Sony a little more now, and For some reason another one that makes microsoft look like they may actually have their shit together somewhere with the xbox. (Granted we all know it was not with early hardware)
Come on. It was the late dial up days and early Cable DSL days. not to mention, im sure Hillary was all over that shit. He probably used the internet once at home, BILLLLLLL I KNOW YOU LOOKED AT PORN I LOOKED IN THE HISTORY.
Happens, mine does that too. Oh and if the queers are moving in too. Old people lived in old times.
Gates, oh Bill. You came and you gave and made money. And then you left us with Ballmer. WHY?
How do they decide, Schmidt and Jobs in a boxing match with Zuckerberg as the ref.
Ok, that image in itself requires a Artist Rendering, I mean it is just a great mental image.
According to the load of IBM stuff we sat through, i believe that watson's avatar should be orange or some hot color, because he wouldn't be sure of anything. Ha, but honestly well played by him.
Yes and by that logic the entire childhood population of the 80's and early 90's would be mostly Autistic. And since i happen to be from that era, and grew up surrounded by friends with controllers in hand drooling all day playing games, slouched in front of a PC all day doing whatever, or vegging in front of…
Physics Discussion aside, propulsion is created by thrust and hitting the wall has almost no effect.