
So freaking true. I hate that all places feel that they need a PDF menu so no one will alter it. Dude seriously let em, what does it matter. Your sites all say that prices are subject to change or location (chains). And yea i love that huge 150% sized PDF on my 3 inch mobile screen while im out making a food decision.

You might need the word art to spell smart, but that is about as far as that old analogy goes. You been in a modern art museum lately, there is just some seriously questionable crap that goes for art nowadays. And it screws over the real artists making serious works, but come on who the hell thought that implanting a

Yea, seriously tired of the new UI. I have resorted to mostly visiting the site via a mobile device so as to avoid it entirely. Sitting in my lab now, i use this desktop and scream.

Get a shortboard, New grip tape and get your ass kicked, this is just a disgrace.

But, But, i keep telling walmart self check outs that all my fruit is the cheapest. Something like lemons. And all my veggies are potatoes. NOOOOOO.

It is like the great warnings that pop up on modern product labels. The ones that get there that you look at and go "who would do that?". and then you realize someone must have, because they have a legal cover our ass warning about it.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: I had those as well. But i remember a friends little brother having the ones with Visors. And thinking wow, that's cool we didn't have a moving visor.

Dude, Just crazy. I wish i could see the events leading up to that cars placement. It must have been epic.

So, they address the concern of seeing my schlong, but nothing about how i really don't feel like be bombarded by high energy radiation.

@Trystian: And from the look of the big one, One lonely iPad all by itself.

Yea let me tell you from being from the very humid south (originally new orleans, now south central florida on the Atlantic coast) it is not hard to have one of these read with no water damage. My blackberry has one in the batter compartment, and no kidding it indicates water damage.

@havingsaidthat: I was noticing that as well, We don't have cadbury deliciousness in our american machines. Damn you Giz. Now i want a Kinder Bueno too, and them is expensive at the Publix.

I agree, Most artists make enough money on tours/endorsements/movie sales/contracts. In the end the CDs/DVD/Blu-rays are more of a profit margin for the label/studio. The only artist that could get hammered by no sales, is the only ones not really hindered by the free media on the internet. That medium is ART as in

Hey the only upside i can see is this:

"a serious concern with the test area"

Interesting that they are adding an SD card reader and a Camera in the same build. I wonder if Apple finally decided to let their integrated cameras act like real digital cameras and give the option of directly storing to removable media storage. While i do not really see a overbearing reason for this, it seems like a

@Haste may have: Now if only that picture actually had Ed Wuncler III with his cellphone in hand telling that to Gin Rummy. That was such a great conversation. "Does it hook up to a printer?". Ahh Boondocks.

@python2121: That is a good possibility, it is a rather Military circulation only SMG, but you never know.