
Another reason to move to the United States from Britian, only this one is religious need free and a few hundred years later than the rest.

Dude, he has a p90. I, I, I, think..... I think i don't know whether to cry tears of joy or jizz my pants. It is so beautiful, and Guns. Oh yea, where is the token NRA duckbill hunting hat. Come on man, make it authentic.

Bullshit, That is my say on this. If they can have mounted HD cameras in their cars recording us without consent, than we can do the same to them. I freaking hate when the law enforcers and makers feel that they are somehow above the laws they enforce and pass. I mean really, are cops somehow not American Citizens,

@dapper_otter: I would have to agree you with on that one man. I live in the south (Florida now, New Orleans before) And was also a large supporter of the baggy jeans era of the early to mid 90's. And let me tell you, swamp ass in 90+% humidity happens, even when it is not blistering hot. And thats a pants changer

@Die Fledermaus: That may have been their inspiration, almost thirty years in the making though it seems.

Just freaking wow. All that added red from the dude is legal babble. So when tech people see through his techno babble to confuse "potential investors" (or cash cows) this pompous douche throws lawyer talk at the tech crowd. Well asshole, i speak both.(thanks Mom) And that above article with your additions say one

Hands down, yes. Verizon willing and account existing on Feb 3. For anyone who needs an explanation why, my phone is a original first gen blackberry storm. I have waited for my contract renewal for this. Android while tempting, needs to get a grip on using current software on its platform, not making me hack my phone

@technologiq: So just a question, how would one know that it is the the CDMA iPhone 4 versus the GSM one in existence. I mean its apple, im sure they look the same. So who is to say it hasn't but no one freaking knew.

@TehBeardMan: Same with me. If i was still living in New Orleans, than i may be signing a different tune. But, in the town i live in now i won't have LTE till atleast next year. However I also really want to get ride of my first gen blackberry storm. I mean really its time to get rid of this thing, and i've been

Yea, so normally I agree with these sentiments. But let me clarify, WE HAVE WAITED YEARS. a few more months with the product available is just BEATING myself in the nuts with my storm. Sorry but no, ill be getting one ASAP. And if needed ill just sell it and upgrade to whatever (probably not majorly upgraded) new

@TehBeardMan: Totally agreed on that sentiment. I have been waiting to ditch my old storm for months, specifically for this moment. And while i could just wait and get the new model in the summer, i don't really see a major hardware upgrade coming. And hell if there is one, i can always sell the 4 and get the next

Damn, I really freaking hope it is for the iPhone, and not something else. Because i am seriously tired of my blackberry, and i would rather an iPhone than an android platform (insert your apple attack comment here, but really i hate anything from them that doesn't solely run iOS.)

@VYCanisMajoris: Great. Now just have a small stormtrooper getting raped placed right around lucas's junk.

"lest we want the next great American novel to be written like a series of 2 AM drunk tweets"

@Killjoy: Yea, except this one seems to be lacking some key elements. Guns, Aliens, Space, and that awesome N9 armor.

@Googlo The Otaku Ninja: The old, oops i already broke the seal routine. No one would be the wiser. Hazaa

@Dan122186: God i wish i could say Dogfishhead was local and inexpensive. But it is not overly priced here either. Down here in florida, unfortunately party beer is what it was. Chugging light tastless lager swill. But i tried drinking games with craft beer once. Bad freaking idea.

@Dan122186: Yea i agree with him, Those are the typical European pint glass style. Any Guinness glass you buy will probably be that shape and 20 fl oz (we got the shaft here in america, 16 oz pints.) And they also poor really well from kegs and bottles.

@lostarchitect: I joined to attend a members only section of the GABF this year. And it has already payed for itself in brew house discounts and zymurgy. Honestly i was content with just the Brew Mag.

@cmdtacos: Yea logically, and then a keg. And then drunk. Logically speaking that is.