
@Dan122186: Selection looks pretty similar to what we get in south central florida on the Atlantic coast. But i must say, i hate you. You can get Russian River there. I was in California for thanks giving, only 200 miles from their brewery (150 or so from lagunitas.) and they don't distribute their beer to the cali

@Johnny Mac: Actually the nitrogen kit should be cheap, just a new tap, a second regulator (probably the most expensive part try dive shops first), gas canister, and line. Also, most beer gas places carry the nitrogen you will need so your set.

@iFarbs: Because of things like radiation therapy and other odd very specialized scientific medical machines, the government has given the FDA a Center for Devices and Radiological Health. Basically since it is a "Device" that is a laser or "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation" (notice radiation

@Dan122186: Thanks, ill look in my Zymurgy when it comes and it do the same. Hey a quick question: Is the distributor in Philly good? You know the whole three tier distribution thing sucks. Our local craft beer guy just dropped Avery and someone else good, i cant remember. But atleast we still get Great Divide and

@cmdtacos: They are nice (i have a few of the larger ones) But i have an issue with them. That laser etching on the bottom to constant aroma release, is really an increased surface area to increase the formation of CO2 bubbles. Essentially rendering your beer flat faster. So if you use those glasses for beer that is

@lostarchitect: See you get it. My friend that i go out drinking craft beer with (and attended the Great American Beer Festival this year with) is actually asking for that this year, and we are going to try to get either a Black IPA or a IRS of some sort into the Pro-Am competitions next year. Assuming we can make one

What about Craft Beer classy imbibers? Huh we aren't guzzling bud light. Jeez i just bought a bottle of Miles Davis Bitches Brew, guzzle that in front of me and ill fucking brain you. Unless of course you have a bottle for me too, which ill drink not guzzle. But really, i feel left out. And there are good gifts for

So i wonder, how many times was that original windows XP pirated version used. You know the one that pretty much prompted genuine check software. I used to remember the cd key from memory, back when i was younger and installed windows every month or so.

@I'm leaving a: I had a buddy he just gave me his a while back when he was moving. He purchased one unopened on ebay with sonic adventures and chu chu rocket for like $80-$90 bucks. VMU and all. God sonic looked great back then, but shit you couldnt move the camera in a 3d world, its harsh.

@acamas: Yea, it had not shit the bed a few weeks ago. But it seems that the failure rate of the non Backwards Comp. Models from mid to late 2008 manufacturing are shitting out a lot right now. And yes you cannot get those save files back. As sony so eloquently put it to me this morning on my hopefully final CS call,

@Nightshift Nurse: Nintendo's was shit back in the day, i had issues with a 64 expansion cartridge not inserting correctly. And they were just horrid, but that was 15 years ago or so. (Turned out to be slightly dislodged from all the use of pulling in and out) But somewhere they realized that the customer basis was

@razzbarry: Hell i appreciate the support attempt. That is why i posted here today, I'm shipping it this evening regardless of the data being lost or not. Just hoping maybe someone knew a way to remove the encryption or fake a ps3 software setup on a PC, but it looks like data retrieval this time will be fruitless. So

@Auto Aim is for Pussies.: Xbox rewards program is free. Look into it, it is FREE. Just happens to give more points to XBOX Gold members. So sony gave me shit on that note. And Foxstar is right, you can get them from Amazon for $47 this weekend.

@jayntampa: I was thinking that exact thought. Something like this: "wow blizzard is pissed because they just don't want to play SC2. That would be a lot of copies, or one hacked one!"

Wow, and i just dont fucking care Sony. Microsoft is giving hard cold points for their rewards, and all i have to do is what i was before. You know stuff that is worth money to microsoft, for games, movies, add-ons. And oh yea as in my talk amongst yourself post shows, your can go fuck yourself. More reliable system

@Muckamuck: How Was your CS experience, were they completely script reading the whole time. I mean i get that, i have had call center jobs and i understand how it goes. But you have to deal with a customer, not patronize and continually apologize when no one means it.

@razzbarry: Looked into the back-up Now The YLOD makes it so that the PS3 doesn't even boot. So despite the fact that i have harddrives the PS3 can read, i cannot read the PS3 drive. I have removed it and placed it in an external drive holder, computers recognize it but cannot read the files. So, i cannot back up the

@SuicidalEarthworm: See, it's how they handled it that pissed me off, along with the HDD issue I almost want to say fuck my ps3. But i have to many games and blurays to do that. CS should defuse an angry customer, or at least try to. To make it more clear here is some of the initial conversation: "Ok, i get that

My fiancee doesn't really play video games. She got into the SSX series and that was really it. But she loves POPCAP games. Bought her peggle on my 360. I would come home and she was there playing it. Bejeweled was always her favorite though. A proper launch from them i think, nothing says popcap like people who