
I have a serious question for all you fellow gamers out there: How many of you have dealt with Sony customer service for a ps3 failure? (United States Sony, So SCEA) (The yellow light of death for me)

That is just awesome for my colleagues and peers, and myself. Random Christmas Present Achieved.

@mipakr: I was as well. That is exactly what i am saying, there is a lot of those kids still. Paranoid Police force man. Granted it is still funny.

HA, HA, seriously HA. Just wow, bewildered are the ignorant masses. That was secretly my entire denver outpost of evil intent there. One cheap childs toy rubber cemented to a post. Yep some petty vandalism. Must be a bomb, not a bored kid with some glue. Never, the american child is never so devious, in these times to

@Pablo Garcia: I share an account with two people: my fiancee and roommate.

@mipakr: Well played sir.

@FoxCMK: Well i agree with that article. (and a good read, thanks for link) But I think that we should honor our brothers in arms who risk their life to save another. And I agree that the latest recipient of that medal damn well deserved it.

Go American Military Training. I may not always agree with how we use our troops, but i am glad to see that we are still training them to leave no man behind. Basic Field medical training is vital, and honestly i think that most people should receive some form of it as well.

I have an old laptop that runs super hot in its case. Dual core, probably third gen of that run. (Bought it in early 2008 as a 2007 cheapo used model to replace an old comp). My thoughts as to this is i'm gutting that and mounting the board into a machined aluminum box. (this is not something i recommend unless you

@Winston Smith: Sounds like a Rumsfeld move there, and i agree.

I teach labs at a college. Organic Chemistry, Thats like me saying SORRY KIDS NO MORE CHEMICALS IN LAB. YOU CAN KILL PEOPLE WITH THEM.

@Homer Berkowitz: I love retro tech too, its not the tech that aggravates people its the "i am so superior attitude".

@Snafu77: I wonder if Dr. Scholls is secretly a terrorist front. I mean really, the hate america so much, they want our feet to be gelling comfortable.

I flew yesterday, and i had gel inserts in my shoes. No problem.

@Mr B Natural: Not sure i would pay more, but i would definitely consider it if it would further widen their online content available. But i agree, i prefer Netflix to Hulu or Hulu plus any day. Hulu Plus feels like a scam, offering less than hulu itself, and a full listing of shows pretty much already available to

HA. God that makes me happy, i have to fly from orlando to Cali next week. All that work on saying: "Hey, while your there, think you could scratch under my sack. Seriously i got a real bad itch there right now." without laughing for my pat down.

@Pixiebutt: They did long long ago. Ahh the days of DOS based games on a 486. Lets all remember the good times for Lucasarts. Loom, all of the monkey island series, day of the tentacle, the old Indiana Jones games, and every thing else great that was written in SCUMM.

@Homer Berkowitz: Last paragraph, so freaking true. And any good punk would smash said hipster, regardless of said phone.