
Yay, Cheese is so much cheaper than Drugs. Well, opiates at least. Time to eat a whole baked brie, and get baked.

I was at a Social Distortion show last night at HOB. Age group was appropriately spaced with old fans to young kids who only know what they want to. I saw this whole spectrum up there last night, well the peace signs were only done by Mike Ness himself. But a lot of people recording and taking pictures and sending MMS

@Tyrunn: Yea, probably true. She slept with Reggie Bush man. I am from New Orleans, and I know what you can catch down there. I can only imagine what the probability increase is of catching something when you are a starting offense line for the Saints.

@Hooray4Zoidberg: I was recently in denver for the Great American Beer Festival, the first night me and my friend were drunk and needed food on the walk back to the hotel. The only thing we could find was McD's. So i got two doubles and fries. I woke up to find one still wrapped double, one with a bite missing, and

@bieber: A story about the McD's i worked at serving 4 day thawed meat (the stuff is cooked from frozen). The freezer broke, and no one cared to have it fixed. So they were cooking rancid meat, and not caring. The owner (Franchised McD's) said, who cares we are still making money. I walked out, they threatened to fire

Ok, I worked at a McD's in the thralls of my early college F$ck mom and dad i don't need their money rebellion years. (Trust me kids reading this, take it while its offered.)

I have almost no heart at all. But even this makes me feel like maybe i might have one.

@hawkeye18 has a gun: Oh I know. Was once an employee of a government entity dealing strictly with munitions transport. But also remember, the government likes to know where its money is. Munitions are money (a lot actually from R&D to manufacturing). So it would seem they might notice that the munitions made it to

@xsbs: But, then the whole retro cold war era insult loses meaning.

@SKiTz: Swing it left to right until its got enough force to unhook it in a violent pull to the right, shooting him to the imbankment where the tree is rooted. (Probably not at all plausible, but funny to picture)

@xsbs: you forgot commie after liberal.

@Evodico: Well Played Sir. And go figure the only American Government Institution on there is the DHS, bastards. Wasting more money i see.

@FlyingAvocado: I have no idea what the plastic composite that is used for these devices. But we are capable of making plastics that withstand high force, and they aren't all some astronomically priced ones. For instance, and my guess is these are too, polycarbonate is very strong. And its tensile and impact strength

@MacTodd: Well, you know the government, they have to call it something else. So the lay folk won't get scared. Broken Arrow sounds much better than: "hey we, uhhhh, counted to bombs. And we seem to be short. Yep a 50MTon is missing. Ummmmmm..... Well Shit call the Russians, ask them if they have seen it."

@MifuneT: Still think that even with the addition of a hinge, the price tag is a bit steep. Though i like your thought process here, a iPad smartbook essentially.

@FriarNurgle: DIY is always better, and tends to be cheaper.

Well, lets see... I love me some nintendo, being less a month older than Mario, lets just say that old gray box, and its bigger 16 bit brother and i grew up together. Spent a years allowance and odd job money on my first 64, own a virtual boy still to this day. Lets just say, if i had to make a choice it would always