
@XSoph: Yes i was thinking, Had to be a beer delivery truck right.

That was awesome.

@Gary_7vn: So as a counter point, the police have cameras which they use to record civilian misconduct on their vehicles, stun guns, etc... .

TSA is a bully, a shoddy extension of an already failed branch of the American government. Sorry DHS but you seem like the whiny little sister of the DOD.

@Micahphone: That sure is a sound logical argument.

Someone needs to be continuing the independent self funded research. Whether it's how to make better beer, or a more efficient rocket engine. Backyard/Garage scientists I commend you. Mostly because I am a research chemist, and i do things in my lab are very illegal in your garage or backyard.

@Avrus: Completely True. And i read in further, i too have many different versions of the original trilogy.

@ectocooler: Verizon User here, Droid is not the future for everyone. Something tells me ol Stevey Jobs over there wont let Verizon do what the do best and love to do, nerf the fracking hell out of phones. So Some of us are looking forward to the Verizon iPhone, because well we don't want a new phone running an OS

Its because of call of duty. And unfortunately not a better version of Indiana Jones 4.

@Squalor: Do not forget to find a picture of Lars Ulrich, and yell THIS ONE IS FOR NAPSTER YOU JERK.

Productivity reduced to Zero. Fun increased. Thanks Jesus, i only have to give a presentation later today.

I own every NES product but the new DS and DSi. And i must say, this does them all proud. Even my Wii looks like its smiling over at my old gray box right now. Go Nintendo, you beat Sega any how, they only make games now.

@Jonathan Reese: My thought exactly. This just screams: "ROB ME, ITS GOLD, yea trace me bitch. Just melt me down and then sell me."

Can i aim it? Because if so it wont be hitting me, but my Fiancee. That will wake her up, and the loud WHAT THE FU$K will get me up. Wonderful

With netflix, torrents, and local theaters if i really want to see it i will. Oh and i wont pay a fucking cent over like 5 dollars (three people use our netflix account, and with the streaming price we figured we are actually almost getting our nine dollars worth a month. The disc included if we remember to get one,

@Dr. Nemmo: I agree. A message was the meaning of this, i all reality they did not kill all 11,000 reported members of the group. While i am sure a good number was killed and/or detained in this operation, the bulk of this force still exists. But the message is there, your most protected individual and his personal

My Fiancee Rides a bike for transportation, no car for us, She would love these tires. But i have a feeling she would run them bare in less than a month with the amount of riding she does. Seeing as the imprints only seem to be a slightly thickened vulcanized rubber (ebonite is my guess) from the tire, and unlike real

I miss jet set radio the original. The one for the xbox was just not as good. Though i still own both, just such a great soundtrack regardless of whether it was original or future. The era of cell shaded, when it was done well. I miss the old days of plot and art, somethings are worth remembering.

@Cameron Barker: Oh see where i live in southeast florida (now, not from here) Our good beer store it runs about even for domestic craft beer versus Belgian. (we do not get russian river, which sucks) For us we are lucky the place carries almost exclusively craft beer, and the a pretty good selection of the breweries