Sweet, so lose really old late fees, HA EAT EM.
Sweet, so lose really old late fees, HA EAT EM.
@Mike Zuniga is a Photographer Apparently: Yea no shit, that was great novel till the whole end of the sewer portion. But you know, that clown is still freaking creepy in the made for TV movie. At least they only made the gay ending part short in that, unlike the book.
@Cameron Barker: Well comparing Belgian Strong Dark Ale and a Kriek is kinda a long shot. Considering that you get that overwhelming Belgian yeast profile that presents itself in most of those beers. I find that style remains there, however those boys don't have much in the way of hops use. Even the houblon chouffe…
So is that the Stephen King's IT version of schmidt? No not in the sewers, not there. I wonder if an inhaler would neutralize this problem too.
Will Chuck norris be making a public statement?
I was just there actually last week (friday and sunday). I am assuming that someone was there for the Great american beer festival.
I live in south Florida, so ill get some pictures for you in, say....
The saddest part of this story, the Blu-ray is "digitally restored". I hope it still has all the effect that this original model setup did, and they didn't turn it into the cantina scene from a new hope. (seriously Han Solo Shot first kids, not in self defense.)
So true, my much older father still calls all game consoles Nintendo. He was at my house recently, looked at my entertainment center donning 4 different systems, (ps2, wii, 2 360's (obviously one a reminder RROD)) and commented: "You got enough nintendo's"
@Assalitore: That is so true, and funny as hell.
@hawkeye18: Can we say Rough!
@Stem_Sell: Liquid helium is freaking expensive, that is why. The 400 MHz NMR we have here uses helium (supercooled) as the magnet source. That is expensive as all hell to fill once a month.
@ElemenopEE: You should be able to avoid paying full price (if anything) to go to grad school.
@jdale: Thats what the other funding agencies would include, whether public sector or private sector. Public wants innovative rights over certain aspects.
@Standish: The latter, i would too. My research a few years back was funded by NASA, but alas like many others, it is not now.
I am one of those crazy people in white coats. And I agree completely with most of this rant. Once though, not long ago i was an employee of one of our great defense agencies.(i wont list, but really there is only one real one, DHS is glorified TSA) And i think that we do mostly, properly fund that aspect. We made a…
@iceph03nix: It becomes a game. It goes as follows:
@b5bartender: Never said they were not good, but as for signal power they were bad. But i do agree, those were well built routers, and customizable. I had aftermarket antennas on it, but i still gave me the issue.
Well this is very true, and funny. We long ago in my home had a very old wireless router. (Feel free to point and laugh, trust me it wasn't long enough ago to make this old router acceptable) It was a linksys WRT54G (a version 1 from 2002) (Edit: holy crap it is the exact one in the picture above). It was their…
@Lexicdys: It was a Ghost!