Umm thats a left 4 dead 1 hunter. Notice the long pants and full length jacket still. And thats coach. Gotta point out the discrepancy, i play way too much L4D.
Umm thats a left 4 dead 1 hunter. Notice the long pants and full length jacket still. And thats coach. Gotta point out the discrepancy, i play way too much L4D.
@Scott: Love the reference. "I already replaced Lupe."
Whilst everyone else has real questions with depth, I simply want to know: Did you enjoy the Futurama episode about Da Vinci?
You forgot one panel on the questionnaire. No, I still have god damn late fees.
American Craft breweries make some of the best beer in the world. And Cans are just a great convenience. You have some of the Oskar Blues company selection in cans. (Good ones i might add). But their Dale's Pale Ale is amazing, well balanced and makes you want to drink another. From a Blue can!
@tedknaz: That is correct, without the surveillance of a publicly accessible portion of ones property it is essentially useless. Whilst is would still be trespassing, there would be no witnesses to prove that it was applied at said location. Then it becomes the game of employed law official's word versus suspected…
@FlyingAvocado: True, but you are expecting a service from them. In other words, it is not trespassing because you are not objecting to there presence on your property. (They kinda get a free pass of presence momentarily.) But if my UPS guy started loitering, he would be getting a warning and a call to his supervisior…
@tedknaz: Actually the state that i live in has what is called castle law. I only have to give one verbal warning to a "non-threatening" trespasser on my property before i am allowed to use lethal force to remove them. If i perceive them to be threatening i can shoot first warn later.
Umm, My driveway is my property. So just like my lawn, setting foot onto my property without permission is Trespassing. So when they planted that GPS tracker in his driveway, they were breaking the law by trespassing.
@ddhboy: You are correct, along with a large number of the other shows. Whilst scanning the TV section, law and order (more than just the original series) a good deal is on there. So is Bones, Prison Break, My Name is Earl, and 30 Rock.
Just keep the people from inception away from my processors. They know where my porn is!
Seriously, someone pays these people to come up with these hairbrained ideas? Sign me up, get me a bottle of jack for EVERY meeting, and i can do this better, still. Like who gives a frack, let the internet police itself like in the 90's. I mean really have you ever pissed off the whole internet, i haven't. But the…
Asking Steve where he buys he turtlenecks of course!
Hook up a ghostbusters plasma beam gun to that beast. Make another one. Cross the beams. Nuff said.
Did anyone bother to see if those noises were above the dictated decibel level of the city? Trying to say that for noise to be a crime and be dealt with by authorities, it has to be above a decibel level set by the local or state authorities. Their local noise ordinance should tell them this, so they just need to meet…
@Inquartata: Yea, but it never magically appeared without someone paying for it. And those someones were me and my older brother. But it was still there, but all those damn wishes were in vain naivety. You know ignorant youth.
Woz, if only you were still making computers for the garage going nerdy hacker/engineers that exists in all of us here. We miss that slacker ingenuity of a generation lost, moved from the garage to the basement to wherever the hell we are now (im in a research lab or a living room).
Go Mark Go.
@MrButterFinger: HAHA. more probable explanation: They are planning to sell it to Gizmodo like the iphone prototype!