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    I think it’s telling (well, probably the nature of some R&M fans is well-known at this point (see a couple of the other comments)) that you are considerate enough to self-identity as non-snark, lol. Sure of course:there’s the one mentioned above in season 4 premiere, there’s the end of Morty’s MindBlowers. It just


    The problem there would be what’s obvious to some isn’t to others.

    Kudos for the relatively uncommon realization that with great power comes great writing responsibility. Most people are probably gaping instead of thinking, but then, that is the mere viewer’s burden. Writing for writers is hard.

    I’d like to see Summer do something more to expose the flaws of the male characters without allowing viewers to interpret that as just something dumb Summer is saying while they call her bitch, which is a far too common scenario.

    I’ll admit upfront that this movie was not for me, but this review duped(so my fault, partially) me on a number of fronts:

    Lori’s ghost reminded me of one of the best shots of Carnivale, in which a character is also left to ghosts.

    She’s got them big eyes...I just developed a crush on United States Department of State official Jennifer Williams the other day.

    I discovered Doctors while on LSD--I couldn’t stop watching it. It’s such a peculiar show.

    Six years ago:

    I’ll take the baton and run with it, Paul: I’m so tired of the idea that you must see something to critique it. The early stages of genre studies were entirely based on the notion that you could. We’re now in a corrective, apologist phase, but it’s too far in the other direction to say it’s impossible. A person who

    To call the “lack” of resolution on Ben is such an oversight--they clearly closed that issue. Joanie was going to kill him, she decided not to and went back to her husband instead.

    Agreed. When Old Noah started shuffling around, I was all “ohhhh fuck.” Too bad for his other kids that that’s the dumb-ass thing he remembers....

    It seems a little uneven to elide the snake bite when you’ve condemned the show for so much less in the past (that it can jump from D to A wildly is interesting either in terms of what that says about the show but also what that says about reviews of the show...). But has The Affair, over its lifetime being reviewed

    So just watched the second to last episode and I can’t get “The Coincidence” out of my mind. Fine Gwen, fine. You were right, they’re going to get back together or something aren’t they? Sigh.

    I mean, yes I agree to a certain extent that we don’t need The Affair Presents: #MeToo, but at the same time, would we be criticizing it for not doing that if it had just let Noah off the hook with nary a mention of current cultural events?

    Yes but also that’s been happening to the LA area for the last three years or so, so maybe a little look it’s the real world in there too.


    Thanks for the coverage as always Gwen. Finally, we agree! Well, somewhat. Tonight was surely a schlock-fest of proportions few shows are capable of attaining. Yeah the balloon was bad wasn’t it. I can only hope they’re going for crass characterization and not a statement of the show’s opinion on #metoo. Yeesh.


    I was so disappointed, as a self-hating Sacramentan, that the episode where they go to Sacramento did not actually film in Sacramento (you can tell by the capitol building).