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    Just getting around to this now, but oy did you all catch that horrible spot that ended the intro match where Miz had to like physically spin Matt around, feign taking a gut kick, then basically tell Matt to Twist his fate. Oy. Good lord, they replayed it…

    He could even start incorporating his 3MB past into his promos. "You all laughed at me! You all laughed when I was a dancing man! You hate me because I dance!"

    That was a sweet 2x Glorious DDT too!

    The only caveat for me—the return of the Bronco Buster…just a personal peeve.

    I'm of the mind that it was the grosser alternative for these reasons: Sy's reaction, his describing the incident as "fornicating," and that Varga was delivering a speech about reproduction.

    I couldn't help but think of the common rejoinder to "hope to die" — "stick a needle in my eye."

    I can't believe no one is talking about the Johnny Depp look-a-like they hired to play…Johnny Depp. And I imagine that lady behind the piano was supposed to be Lady Gaga? Perhaps not, but that Depp was really hard to take. Combined with the ridiculous pratfall from a couple episodes ago and the generally tattered

    This is a huge thing. My wife is driven crazy by her repetitive love interest casting. Just wanted to say we hear ya!

    Anyone remember Chicanery Night? Heh.

    There was going to be a Dana Brooke push? *Shudder*

    David Dao chanting "I have to go home. I have to go home. I have to go home. Just kill me. Just kill me" has a musical quality running through my head all the time.

    Did anyone have a problem with Ray Wise's divorced/married spiel?

    Speaking of Naomi, the horror, the horror: https://video.twimg.com/twe… (This is probably old like every other observation I make) Shoot, just scrolled up and saw that you just mentioned this a moment ago, Bli$$. Sigh.

    Naomi vs. Naomi…0_0

    Thanks man! Above and beyond. I shouldn't have assumed they don't know what they're doing I guess? lol. Boy do I miss Mauro though. I just started watching again and he leaves (I knew him from Pride mostly).

    Ah, thanks (just came back to watching after long hiatus). And weird, no? Or I guess it's an attempt to make it sound Canadian accented?

    True, true.

    I think it was Tom Phillips who kept calling Sami's Helluva Kick the "Hull ooh vuh" Kick? Wtf. Did I miss something of is he dense? (sorry, should have googled it first) (me last night: "I can't wait to tell the guys about this!" Dangit)

    I don't think there is one?