If you roll those fees in to the lease, you pay $59. If you pay them up front, you pay $19. I spelled that out in the blog.
You need have your car so you can drive to your country house on the weekends. Are you a peasant?
I don’t have time, but this is the opposite of “urban sprawl.”
Another thing of note: The minimum Liability Coverage is waaay to low to reflect the rising costs of repairs.
Why do you think you should get a settlement worth the cost of a brand new car on a wrecked 19 year old car?
I really do not begin to understand why anyone cares about this. Chances are, nobody here is going to buy one anytime soon anyway.
Just be happy the outside is an actual color for once.
This one might go for a lot because it is quite literally the first one to be auctioned off on a major site, but I predict this will die down quickly and these will start trading for MSRP or less. The market is not what it was a few years ago, and Toyota will be making an absolute ton of these. There’s no shortage of…
I guess DT took the plunge...
Just don't go full on David Tracy
I’ll save everyone the time. Yes, we know you only buy used cars. We know you only cook your own food, hunt your own animals down for the food and make your own clothes. You are better than everyone else. Did I cover everything?
My follow question is how often is any of this shit even breaking? My guess is close to never.
Imagine buying a refrigerator with a water dispenser, but it is locked behind a paywall of some kind - either through subscription or through a one-time fee. Insane!
Its a pretty bad take that this had only minor damage. This is a picture before the damage was doctored. It took less than a minute of effort on google to find it. This is a classic example of someone trying to flip the car for a profit by covering up the real damage. They leave just a little bit of damage to make it…
HAHAHAHAHA! OK, CR! This is why I don’t pay pay attention to what they publish. They’re great until about 90k. Then all the cheap plastic for small but vital bits starts to deteriorate, several of millions of sensors go bad, and electronics fail.
What BMW dos really well is customer service, and that’s what in reality…
NFW.... I just canceled my subscription.