
Did Bradley hijack your account to post this?

For some reason the grocery bag full of fuel had me legitimately laughing. I guess with gas prices as high as they are it's no longer in the realm of absurdity.

For some reason I can’t save this article. Kinja may somehow be less reliable than any car on this list.

I'm a big believer in Waymo but it seems that Waymo / Google always finds that the driver is at fault.

Does jb weld work on carbon fiber?

Wait til' Jalopnik finds out what nickels are made of.

Isn’t this statistic just MPGe, a spec that we have on every single electric car sold in the United States?

But do they offer any wheels that don't look like ninja stars you buy at the mall?

I actually drive an SUV so I can pretend that I’m an active person than goes hiking and climbing and kayaking.

Wow if VW can promise more undelivered cars than Tesla maybe there is hope for them. Now they just need to work on hyping up features they haven’t completed yet and making up really early production dates that they miss.

You should have bought a Bolt in 2019-2020. I should have bought a Bolt in 2020.

Is this why Subway sandwiches cost so much?

Is it really a variation if not one single example exists? There are probably less than 15 trillion minis.

I have a Bernie sticker on my Outback but I did laugh.

I suspect that the people most benefitting from your fair flat tax are not in the flyover states.

They are not basically the same deal if you have eyes capable of seeing.

Do we really trust 2021 Nissan not to screw this up? I think they should just let it go and revive the GT-R name sometime in the future when they (hopefully!) get their shit together.

The iDrive has you both look at a screen and use a knob in unison, is this somehow better?

...is this a Long Voyager reference? In 2021?