Dan Themanfan

Every time a cockroach is tortured, an angel gets her wings

Cristiado, aka "For Greater Glory" is excellent. Released in 2011. The "evangelical" Xian flims are mostly rubbish.

Nah, didn't "rip off Bart Simpson's" catch phrase, The Family Circus had their "Not Me!" ghost decades ago.

Ughhg. Cracked used to be kind of fun, until I think a year? or so ago they sold out to somebody or some corporation or whatever, and it's now Buzzfeed-like. Terrible. Every good site turns ugly eventually. All of the comments are the same, no one has an original opinion of their own (including political party

Or at least a GoFundMe. Why not, everybody else has one…

Probably more like 5-7 days… don't ask…

Or, you have the "hilarious" videos of cats terrified by some seemingly innocuous event or thing, turns out it was probably the result of their owner teaching it to do that by using harmful or painful methods.

Yeah not so sure on the "great organization". I suckered into that monthly thing a couple years ago , and I swear my donations were probably just covering the glossies they sent me tons of what seemed like weekly basis, and some of the newsletters they sent me were about some political lobbying they do that I

Do they poke the animals in the eyes with sticks between takes to make them look more pitiful?

You gotta get the 24-pack of cans of Fancy Feast on Amazon- only 11 something per pack. I haven't bought cans at the grocery store since discovering this fantastic price.Cat litter I use the OKOCat stuff which is fantastic, it's recycled paper/wood pulp, doesn't smell and is flushable.

Me too, apparently I kept an LJ of all the things i did when drunk, God help me. Oh, and there's no way to delete your LJ account either.

Nuh uh. It was because it was harder (or more time consuming, or something) to gather the digital data off of Myspace than Facebook. At least according to the NSA that is.

Aww he just passed away too.

I know a few people who could theoretically afford an accountant, but go to HR Block instead. I tried to tell them those tax franchise places use a very simple software program to just click Yes or No on a list of questions they ask the customers. They essentially are using the same program, or a lesser quality one

But he comes from a terrible family. His mother yelled at my brother for no reason other than the fact that she's a total bitch.

Well, yeah, duh. That's what makes Moms mad.

now you have to change your name and move, again. Sigh.

plus having to deal with those teeny, tiny forearms doesn't help.

Anyone not buyin' this cop-out excuse of not allowing any more comments? Not very tolerant and diverse of them.