Dan Themanfan

No- "absolutely convinced that the defendant is guilty" I don't think experienced DA's even bother with being "convinced" or not. It is based *solely* on whether they can get a conviction, period. The more cases you sit through, the less faith you have in your gut instincts and "feelings" Source: me, who got to

"Hello, Sucker!" one of the categories, is also an old-time-radio show from the '50s " HELLO SUCKER was created to help protect Chicago consumers and home
owners from crooks, cheats, schemes, scams, swindles, rip-offs, and
rackets, but also protecting racial minorities from real estate
discrimination." I also

"Cotillard remembers seeing is E.T., a film that touched her profoundly and indelibly. “I went totally mad in the theater. I was almost pulling my hair out when they took E.T. away,” she told W magazine in 2012. “That’s a deep memory of anger, despair, and pain. They had to get me out of the theater. I was screaming.”


HEB! I miss Texas just for the HEBs. They even have their own store-brand of canned okra and tomatoes! Who does that?

I am more disgusted by reading an adult woman's using the word "butthole" especially in reference to a baby. Wouldn't "bare bottom" be better? Maybe I'm just old.

Don't yank them out. They grow back all stiff and spikey, cut them off instead.

Good. She deserves every penny.

the only thing good from Church's is the macaroni and cheese, and even that's pretty bad.

I read recently that the secret herbs and spices in KFC chicken was/is? Good Seasons Italian herb mix you buy at the store. The secret was inadvertently released in a 1970s radio interview and some smart person made a note of it and shared it with the world.

No actually they are privately owned franchises, like McDonalds. They get their non-profit status by hiring disabled to fold their donated garments and they pay the workers like 25cents an hour so they won't lose their social security benefits. So gracious of them!

You guy's thrift stores suck. Ive found Larousse Gastronomique, an entire collection of ancient Greek philosophers writings, some great programming stuff that isn't obsolete, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, our thrifts are awesome in Phoenix. You gotta go to the shitty areas as they seem to carry the best stuff (or,

Awesome guac recipe from the family that owns all the avocado trees is avocado, celery, and onion. Some lime juice, salt, done. It is the best guacamole you'll ever have.

Awww, come on. EVERY kid on the planet has tried the blowing air through a bottle top at least once, they don't need to be shown how with exhaustive instructions

Clearly they were designed in Japan, for and by smarter more inventive children.

She looks a lot like Swoozie Kurtz does now. It hurts just to look at her, and my roommate watches that Mike and Mollie show daily. I leave the room I can't stand to look at her weird, weird face.

upvote for "novelty buttocks"

"they just be so wordy"

I see Kim went for the full Swoozie Kurtz face mask/duck lip cosmetic surgery deal.

Yay! Right on. We can end up just like every other socialist utopia: Venezuela.. Honduras… Cuba(ish) etc etc