Dan Themanfan

Oh yeah- for sure the cheap drinks. I joined the American Legion for the early opening bar and the super cheap yacht mooring fees that was next to my marina. You had to be voted in, and from what I hear it's a really long waiting list now.

did the guys from WWII have this same problem?

Gotta head to Utah for the big giant fireworks.

'Scuse me, ma'am, but there are no rounds in your gun.

no, let's not.

God Phoenix AZ is so awful. Adult men there won't give up their seat to an elderly woman on crutches. A bus driver literally had to go down the aisles to yell at the guys for not giving up their seat to an obviously pregnant woman who stepped on- it was so pathetic.

Is it going to air on the TBN network?

Lena Dunham's opinions mean so much to me. But seriously I can't wait til I don't have to see her face or her body anywhere again anytime soon

for some reason my sister and I always thought BBW meant "big black woman".

uh, that would be *ovine*…

Funny I remember my uncle telling me this in like 1995. He said the same about Sam Elliott.

Wow- their must be big money in those coal minin' towns for the local women to afford 600. dollar hand embroidered and silk-lined dresses like these two in the picture. Gee, if only I could live it up so glamourously like a back country hick!

babies don't cost as much as a car.

Funny because although I've never heard him speak this is exactly how I would imagine him to sound.

There is no such thing as Moroccan "virgin" wool….

Me too (only reason I'm here so late is this doc just came up in an article recently) but I knew the answer already, and wondered why it wasn't in the film: super-thin vinyl, and extremely compressed sound. The albums were awful! I distinctly remember getting my first Columbia House, only to get my hands on a Styx

Ooohh okay… Now can you educate and inform us on how these things called "brands" work too? Like, can I call MY candy bar "Snickers" or how does that work.

I hate the Beatles. Phoney band, phoney American invasion which consisted of a handful of schoolgirls paid to scream and jump up and down at the airport. Phoney haircuts that changed with whatever was considered trendy for the time. Phoney "musicians" that had their music written by a nerdy brilliant Jewish guy.