Warning Stephen, it’s not waterproof!
Warning Stephen, it’s not waterproof!
Yes he did! I noticed it immediately. One good thing about being mostly bald and being a neo-Nazi, it sort of compliments the ideology. Interesting ‘Toppik’. Personally, I have no problem at all shaming anything about a man that’s a fascist-whisperer and hate mongering racist.
You realize Republicans engage in identity politics just as much. Or why else would you see “Blacks for Trump”, “Women for Trump” etc signs at his rallies.
I plan on sending Stephen Miller the bill to have my carpet shampooed. I had just taken a mouthful of coffee when I looked up at the TV and saw the Rust-Oleum Flat Black on his head...instant spit take.
No, it’s obviously a merkin since it’s perched on top of a cunt!
Yeah, that argument was ludicrous.
In normal times, inviting the president’s lawyer on a Sunday news talk show would be a constructive thing to do. These are not normal times, and nothing that comes out of Rudy Giuliani’s mouth is credible. Half of the time, it’s not even comprehensible. So why continue to give him a platform?
Hair dresser: How do you want to look for Face The Nation?
I’m sorry, his actual argument is “normally in order to make these things go away Trump would have to pay a lot more money, and that he didn’t means he’s not a criminal”? To quote the President, “wow, but not surprisingly”
“The President shouldn’t be held to any standards of honesty” - that’s what Guiliani is saying in that last part, and it’s what half of America already knows and the other half also knows but buries deep down so they can pretend they have any morals left.
I imagine that’s how most people speak to you.
Decries lack of women or non-white individuals in first 2020 poll; doesn’t name any viable candidates. Why didn’t these Iowa democrats think of all the wonderful trump-beating options I can’t even think of at the moment?
This is an absolutely insanely delusional solution you are proposing.
If the Democrats nominate a literal pile of crap, the Democrats need a solid and strong turnout for that pile of crap. And no open complaining of holding their nose or voting for the marginal alternative candidate who reflects their beliefs.
Big ole no to Bernie and Biden. I love Biden, but his time is past, and I still harbor ill will toward the Bernie Bots and their “protest votes.”
This is why we have a primary. To see who the majority think is the best to run against the GOP. (I don’t think Trump’s going to be there)
My calendar still says 2018. Forgive me for not quite giving a shit yet.