
His sock was fake, but his sucking is real


My ex sister-in-law became a teacher in her 40's specifically to bring Jesus and “conservative values” into the classroom and being a racist little shit is a core conservative value theses days.

Why are you name dropping Bruce Lee when this man is clearly Black Dynamite?

Dollars to donuts she voted “Leave” to “send them a message”


Nah, Bernie or Bust!

The title should have been “Why the BernieBots Must Crush Beto and Elizabeth and Joe and Kirsten and Kamala, etc..” but they probably have a word limit. We are seeing some of this already with this article and the one on Kirsten Gillibrand. Gonna be a long 2 years! Buddy:)

As a last resort, when you cannot dispute the facts and you have lost the argument, simply say that you have proven your case and declare yourself the winner!” - Art of the Deal

This makes me so damn happy! Now maybe they can sue him for damages:)

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

When one can’t refute the facts one sometimes resorts to infantile displays of fuckwittery. As you have shown. Thank you!

Could Hollywood please stop trying to humanize the inhumane?

Whatever happens at least he got away from Sony Pictures!

Definitely a red flag

Can we get an article on Evelyn Berezin please? I mean all she did was change the world forever.

“Leftists can’t be racists” - Jared Lee

And we are still dealing with the consequences of how certain people voted that year. What was your point again?

You’re working awfully hard to rationalize your “protest” vote for Trump.