
Some are only interested in the “perfect” candidate, some one who is pure and uncorrupted by any thoughts or positions that may not conform to the ONE TRUE WAY...someone like...BERNIE, praise be thy name!


Facts, they are your enemy...

Tom Tomorrow is multi-talented:

You really don’t have an argument other than “I hate her” do you? You can’t argue with her accomplishments so you have to pretend that they aren’t impressive and that they haven’t made a huge difference in people lives. Let’s just focus on the increase in the Minimum Wage that she got through the House. How many

So you can’t pretend she’s never accomplished anything anymore, so you have to pretend that past accomplishments don’t matter anymore. As if getting Obamacare passed through the House doesn’t matter anymore. As if getting the Minimum Wage increased doesn’t matter anymore. Passing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal doesn’t

“Edge of 17"!

She was also great in “Edge of 17"! Hopefully “BumbleBee” will be a big hit and help her get some more high profile roles.

Who cares? This car is going to destroy the Corvette brand and it will be the last version made, all because someone at Chevrolet wanted an “answer” to the Ford GT.

Sounded good then I saw the pics and it looks more like a Hershey Highway.

Or maybe I have a different opinion than you do because I am better informed? Pretty sad that your only answer to any dissenting opinion is “must be a troll!”.

LOL. Maybe stop talking out your ass:)

Reality <—————————————————————> you

Ruth Bader Ginsberg is 85? Didn’t know. That’s 10 years older than my parents. They shouldn’t be running the country either. Is she trying to hang on longer than Oliver Wendell Holmes did? Please retire.” - some idiot

Gaslighting morons with nonsensical border statistics that live in states with no international border is beyond scummy just a normal Republican.

Please stop making excuses for this fool

Another Moonves special: