Dante D'Anthony

Excellent point.

She’s loud, unafraid, a woman, and not-white. A perfect encapsulation of everything they’re scared of, and a vision of the future they’re fighting in vain against. AOC may not be perfect, but she represents all these neocons’ worst nightmares and I love her for it.

Yeah, man. I love any socialist who distracts Ronan the Accuser so that her team of lovable misfits can grab the Power Stone:

The same sick twisted world that elected a guy president after an old tape of him bragging about sexually assaulting women surfaced. At least he wasn't dancing!

Nothing says “I’m totally not intimidated by a successful and attractive woman, and I am comfortable with my own genitals” like the whole AOC hatefest.

In what sick twisted world is this a diss on her? She (and the rest of them) look like they’re having fun and it’s a promotional video for BU. Also, she’s good at dancing and being goofy. It makes her even more likeable (at least to those of us who are sane)!

Nothing says "I'm totally not intimidated by a successful and attractive woman, and I am comfortable with my own genitals" like the whole AOC hatefest.

Quite right. The solar system is billions of years old, and has billions more to go. We may be neither the first or last place that life will develop in it.

Even if there is no life on Enceladus, mightn’t the possibility of warmth, water, and organic molecules indicate that we might find an undersea home there? If we could use what’s there to 3-d print items we’d need to create what we might need for colonies. We would no longer have all our specieseggs in one basket

Officially picked up last Friday and announced by Jeff Bezos himself

You do realize no one is actually advocating for harming another human being right? Sometimes saying how satisfying it would be to punch someone is cathartic, even if there’s no actual intent behind it. Ajit Pai on the other hand is actually harming consumers to line his own pockets.

Ajit Pai embodies the time-honored principle that in this great nation of ours, no matter who you are, no matter how much, or how little money you have, no matter what country your family comes from, you can still come across as a big dumb fucking hayseed.

Am I the only one that doesn’t think what they’ve shown is all that weird or creative? It looks like a much more refined version of the Star Wars prequels, will all sorts of aliens, monsters and environments we’ve all seen a thousand times before.

These aliens and monsters and designs are directly — like one to one — adapted from designs that are thirty to forty years old. There’s a reason you’ve seen them before. They’ve been copied for decades. :(

Today’s homework for anyone that went and saw Guardians, Rogue One, or Episode 7 is to go out and support this movie in theaters.

John Carter was a fantastic movie. It only “flopped” because of the marketing. With the big names behind this, I doubt it will be the same.

Luc Besson hasn’t let me down yet. Whatever he’s a part of is fantastic.

It’s not an original IP, since it is a comic adaptation:

The fact that this exists is reason enough for me to watch it.