
Yeah, removing all innovation from basketball is the same as asking a player not act like he got judo chopped in the neck by a ghost....

I’m debating what’s more impressive, the 8 or so foot shuffles he does before the dribble, or the fact that it’s being called a “step back” when it’s just a lateral jump.

If you’re the Raiders, now is your prime chance to make a killing selling “Vobody’s Burfict” shirts for $15 a pop to your remaining 10,000 idiot fans.

I wonder how much damage, in his quest to injure other people’s heads, Burfict is doing to his own brain. I mean, it’s hard to pity a guy who’s main goal seems to be trying to paralyze other humans under the cover of a “game” but I can’t help but imagine using his head as a battering ram has to have negative impact on

God, I forgot that almost happened. How fucking bleak this is for the Broncos. 

I’m so sad that this is Vic Fangio’s (only) shot at head coach. I thought he would have made a good coach after the Harbaugh era but this is such a bummer of a turn out for a guy who is a legitimately fantastic defensive coordinator. 

I love the idea of, “Let’s combat anti-Nazi imagery with Trump imagery. That’ll show them who the real Nazis are!”

I remember when the greatest controversy surrounding soccer is when Dylan’s whore-ass mom brought whole oranges instead of slices.

“Listen, Bill, I understand his talent but if anyone here is doing sex crimes, they’ll be paying to get their dick jacked in the back room of a shady massage parlor in Florida, like a respectable adult. You understand me?”

The worst part was the official in question was a well known participant in the fan-fic community. He’ll likely never be able to use the phrase, “headcanon” again.

They give out a free cuppa whip cream. They call it a “pupachino” but you don’t even hafta have a dog with you. Just tell ‘em it’s outside, bam, free whip cream.

Fun reminder, Tomsula had a better record with the Niners than Chip Kelly.

“I can’t be changing people every five minutes here.”

In an ironic twist of faith the Redskins led a massacre on London.

I was not excited to see Varrett take the field and immediately get scorched but otherwise, I agree. It is very nice to see the defense take the field and not immediately get a sense of dread.

I call bullshit, no one would ever recognize Dennis Smith Jr. in public. It’s impossible. 

That’s a solid point, by stonewalling he comes off as a dick but as someone who doesn’t have time for silly sports narratives and petty bullshit and not like a dude who made a very poor decision. 

I agree. I think it's funny that Shanahan is known as an offensive genius but 2 of their 3 wins are entirely due to their defense, while the offense tried to choke this one away. 

Even against a first year quarterback, making his first start, it shows how good the Niners defense is that they managed to keep Pittsburgh to 20 points with 5 turnovers.  All part of that Shanahan defense he's known for.