Dante Alighieri

As parents we all do the best we can for our children, but we can only do so much, after all, Lee Oswald’s Dad may have been proud of his marksmanship, not so much on that Friday in Dallas, or how proud Adolph Eichmann’s parents were of his organizational skills.....well, I think you can see where this is going...

“I won an Emmy for playing a woman dying of leukemia on L.A. Law, starring Harry Hamlin and Susan Dey.”

From the looks of that picture, I'd say his most immediate problem is camel toe.

I think the NFL was just as pants-shittingly terrified of him as everyone else. He makes the Wu Tang Clan look like something to fuck with in comparison.

Zachary D. Manprin: Cardinal Fan or Schiano Man?

“Why would there be confusion if he spoke English? Joining us in in studio to discuss is Emmitt Smith.”

Yeah, that remains a BS hit. I’ll never forget that one. Sapp was gunning for that one. Hit him so hard and awkwardly that he had a goddamn SEPARATED PELVIS and couldn’t walk on his own for about a month. And then Sapp had this faux anger and threatened Mike Sherman when confronted about it. Sapp was, is and always

I find this is pretty true in life. Being able to admit you messed up will typically help you mend fences with anyone and get things right. Work or personal life.

Am I the only person who doesn’t share bathroom stalls with groups of random strangers these days? Do all Republicans just wander into their gender specific restrooms and smash bits together as they are relieving themselves?

Shouldn’t it have been in French as well?

If the Earth were round, Giancarlo Stanton’s dingers would go straight into outer space. Think about it, you guys.

The thing that always astonished me was his footwork and athleticism. You always hear of big guys losing their effectiveness deep into their age due to health and movement fading away, but he kept himself in prime condition, leaning out over the years to make sure his main tool on offense was still there.

They are a dynasty 18 50+ win seasons, 19 playoff trips, 5 Titles

Gotta protect the umpire’s feelings.

First off let me start off by saying “ All Praise Due To The Most High.”

You’d think this joke would have become boring or tedious by about the nineteenth or twentieth iteration.

West has only himself to blame: it’s a well-established pattern that Cowboys tend to shit the bed when time is running out.

Or, NFL scouts have certain expectations of a player's characteristics based on race, and through the phenomenon called confirmation bias, is more likely to see good play on the part of a white player as "intelligent" while good play on the part of a black player is due to his "natural athleticism". Academics have

These scouts need to embiggen their vocabulary.