Look, if you know of a better way to eat Papa John's pizza than directly injecting into your neck, I'd like to know because there's no way anyone is putting that shit in their mouths
Look, if you know of a better way to eat Papa John's pizza than directly injecting into your neck, I'd like to know because there's no way anyone is putting that shit in their mouths
Stem cells? I don't think so. Here's the real magical elixir:
Never forget. Never.
Baseball has already survived a hellscape of in-game Schilling
I thought the appeal of pull-tabs was ripping them open and accumulating a pile of losing cardboard while in a drunken stupor with your friends/relatives during a wedding reception at the VFW. Who wants to pay to dick around on an iPad?
Jesus Christ. Wario bought the Vikings...
The most offensive part of the video? The woman with the Yale shirt on. Nobody from Chicago has ever been smart enough to attend Yale.
About friggen time! Now only if we can get them to stop releasing annually and instead swap it out for a $20-$30 DLC update and then release a new disc version say every 3 or 4 years then we are golden!
He must be in good shape. I can't believe they had time to bang as they fell to the ground.
When it comes to Adjusted Touches of the "Frontcourt," this guy is from another planet.
Now that the NBA's new SportVU site has launched, armchair morons like you and me can avail themselves of all kinds…
Perhaps the machines can still be beaten...with love.
Shouting-out the Sixers on the day they beat the Heat? What a bandwagoner!
Take heart, Ohio! You may soon have something with a lower rating than Skyline chili.
"The Patriot Way: A Play in One Act"
Sorry, but after The Tuck Rule, the Patriots have forfeited the right to ever again complain about a rule.
♫ I'm the coach in a hoodie
I used to have Damien Woody
I'm boring as all heck
Beat writers, I will wreck
Your questions, I don't care
For answers, cupboard's bare
I'm your pusherman
I'm your pusherman
Ain't I rude, attitude
Super Bowls rule my mood
The Tuck Rule, Spygate man
These three rings on my hand
My tight end killed a guy
I was under the impression that pushing into a member of the same team from behind was only still a penalty in the South
No, The NFL Did Not Quickly Change The Rulebook To Screw The Patriots
"Bad call, Braves. You were doing so well with "Stand up against bullying"; there was no need to drag people's perversions into it."