
Kentucky Route Zero. I managed to avoid spoilers of any kind about this game for the last 7 years, but of course had to read a review or two. I really wish I hadn't. It would have been nice going in completely blind. Living up to the hype overall though

I bought a Vita mainly to play that game, and although I played a few other games on it and keep it around to play old FF games - it honestly would've been worth it just for P4G. I wish I could play it again for the first time

I read that as "psychically controlled" at first ha 🧠📡🧟‍♂️

Pretty sure that's a hologram dude

I miss my holographic Mario wallet :,(

Nvm it didn't work :/

Gonna go set my Switch clock to Japan time and give this a shot tonight!

We have been bested

Recently, like last year or something

Lol cleanup on aisle 4

The day of prophecy has arrived


How to Draw at an Extremely Rapid Pace

Oh, please 🙄

That was truly an amazing video, but now I need to know something - why is her ketchup pink???

Yeah,I think you're right about the upgrades. I wanna say there were like 3 levels for each of your components or something like that. 

Yeah,I got to the boss area and I put the game down because I had missed a gem or something like that and the battle arena seemed annoyingly complicated. 

Yeah, for some reason it didn't bother me in Dark Moon, but in this game it really does. There's money everywhere and you just... don't really need it. Ok

I stalled in the sewer level... is that B2? I really need to get back into it. I loved what I've played but something about that level turned me off and I started thinking about how pointless collecting money is and just can't make myself pick it back up
