
Yeah man, I didn't even like the movie that much (it was fine I'm just not a huge Pokemon guy) but I kinda want this plush. 

What I really wanna know is why the creators of West of Loathing are having such a hard time porting the DLC to Switch :,(

I used to love betting on online fights in Smash 3DS. Great feature. 


Play your 3DS in 2020, you coward

The troll ride isn't there anymore? Bummer, that was my fav 

I don’t want to believe this


I bought this last season on fandango or whatever through my Roku TV, and it was pretty great. No commercials and all episodes available as they come out. 

AHS is legit my favorite show. I am very pleased by this news. Screw the haters

That’s on Switch already

If I can play Frog Detective on this thing I'm in

Meanwhile, "pussy boy" seems to be flying completely under the radar. Stay gold, Pussy Boy, stay gold

Yes! Bringing this on vacation. Perfect timing. 

This guy has always been an intolerable schmuck, full stop. 

“Meanwhile, let’s check in with Australia, likely home to a lot of bats in hell right now:”

Hey Zack, I just wanna say that I appreciate these posts. Thank you

“the legion of small Lego-ish bears scattered around the home”


I mean, I had just turned 19 and I danced wasted to this song on NYE ‘99