

Nice, I love that movie. Can’t remember where I grabbed this from, but here's a good one:

... how to write run-on sentences?

I kinda felt like we were already down the rabbit hole but now I feel like we found an even deeper rabbit hole at the bottom of the rabbit hole we already fell down and there’s like, billions of infected alternate reality rabbits down here with us now and it’s so dark down here that our bodies don’t remember how to

Damn. That's fucking sad. 

I really have no idea. Prolly grinding in mementos and wandering around, agonizing over decisions. I will say that if an rpg is supposed to take around 30 hours it'll usually take me 40-45, so...

Lol same. I think I’m somehow almost at like 200 hours and still have a couple dungeons left

I only played Costume Quest 2 but I loved it! Maybe I'll check it out, thanks

Makes sense. Pretty much why I bought the capcom beat em up bundle. Just to have around in case a gamer friend pops by. 

I think in like 1959? When was MK Ultra again?

They seem to have decent taste in music, overall


Gotta separate the art from the artist, yeah?

Hahaha, yes. Thank you. All these “silent majority” types are only silent because they know if 600 of them get together in the town square it’s just gonna look like a rib-off in a cornfield to the rest of us, and if they come to the city they'll just get chased out by skinny college kids with bike locks. 

I live in the Bay Area... Berkeley has very much not been burned down. 

I know the name, but I've never dealt with them before. Whoever they are, they aren't half as clever as they seem to believe themselves to be. Yawn. 

I will respond to your bad faith argument in kind: do you support the violence of the right? Do you condone what happened to Heather Hayer?

Key word, genius: COULD. They “could” have. And YET - they haven’t.

Lol. In your own words, the left “hasn’t killed anyone yet”. The right has. See: Heather Hayer, Christchurch Massacre, et al. Yet somehow the left is still "waaaay more violent" then the right. Ok. Sure.

You should get it.