
Baba Is You is so great. It fucks my head up so bad. I play it in bed before work and get so angry. It takes me like twenty minutes to figure out each stupid puzzle, but when I do I'm like YEAH😎

Cool, thanks for the info! I'm mostly into the adventure aspect, so I suppose I will wait for this. 


It’s really good, I'll probably try the first three at some point. 

Wow. This looks really good. Are their other games on consoles? Or PC only?

There’s gonna be an AR component where you have to kill your best friend from junior high with a rake on an abandoned prison island if you want a physical copy for switch

Honestly I wish these tools really did go into Riverside Plaza and get stomped. Lol @ the Dinkytown reference. Do me proud, Minneapolis - hawk a frozen loogie right in Laura Loomer's dumb smug face

It’s not silly to buy a Switch for any reason unless that reason does not involve playing video games. 

I swear I wrote this comment yesterday... anyway, I actually beat one this week! I finished The Room: Old Sins. I saw it pop up on some lists and in some articles and picked it up on sale. Way better than expected. I’m also on disc 3 of FFIX and I think I might make it to the end for once (only FF game I’ve completed…

Hey I actually beat one last week! I finished The Room: Old Sins. I kept seeing it mentioned as one of the better mobile games and bought it on sale. Way better than I expected, and easy to beat during my lunch breaks. Yay! Currently on disc 3 of FFIX, hoping to actually beat that soon, and might go back to YIIK, as…

First Mary J Blige in Umbrella Academy, and now Adina Howard in this! I hope Monica shows up in something cool next


I will be in the grays forever and therefore nobody will see this, so I won't bother apologizing BUT everytime I see her picture pop up on this sight I feel like I'm looking at a fetal pig somebody in 5th grade science class decided to put makeup on instead of dissect. And then it was adopted by John McCain and…

So, my internet connection is apparently not robust enough for remote play with my Vita. Should I have any hopes about playing P5 on my iPad in bed tonight?

Kind of like how the right (especially fox) spent the last eight years before the election convincing republican voters that Obama was a dictator in the pockets of foreign interests and that every day he was in office was a day America died another death. Now it’s happening for real and they’ve been completely inured…

Oh man, I was 1! Sometimes I think that would be the best time to be young though, get to be a teenager during the original punk years!

Awesome that you have that! +1 music

Yeah that picture gave me *goosebumps*

He’llHe'll all is yeah blaze 1 sf 42042069 million

The whole point of the comic is that they want to play the game in its original form. Not the remake and not the original on an HD TV. It's not a riddle, in fact all of that is laid out in clear terms