
Glad to hear i'm not the only one struggling with the difficulty. It took me four tries to get a B grade on the stronghold tutorial map. I was defeated each prior attempt (I am the opposite of a pro). I won't feel too bad about turning it down now. I just really like the oldschool vibe and aesthetic

There is a difficulty slider that gives you a casual experience, but you can only earn one star per battle that way. I might give it a shot because I suck at these games. Awakening really set me up for failure. That was the first SRPG or whatever that I played and it was pretty easy, especially with grinding 

Hell yeah! Minneapolis stand up

I legit bought smash for Piranha Plant and I love it. Not disappointed. The plant is great

Evolution of the concept bro

Evolution, baby

I watched that movie when I was really young (like 8 or 9) and i honestly think it kinda messed me up.

It’s crazy how bad it is. No wonder these sites are failing :/



It’s actually ~$19 billion, with a "b", but yeah I did a triple take on that👀

I refuse to watch the entire interview, Dave. By the way - can I call you Dave?

too long; did still read 

Like a bleached and distended honeydew

Same old story over here. I picked up A Case of Distrust for Switch because I live where the game takes place, I saw it on a year-end list or two, it was on sale and most importantly: it is supposed to take ~ 3 hrs. So anyway that was like two or three weeks ago and I have yet to make an arrest (which is when I think

Cursed Conway Cache:

Badgers? We don't need no stinking badgers!

I was in the Reykjavik airport once for twelve hours with just one other person. We wanted to go to the hot springs but we decided the cab fare was too expensive. It was actually pretty fun. I remember we watched The Green Mile on his laptop and drank beer from behind the bar. 

More like white house press BARFING, amirite?? HEYOOOO

<mirror effect>