
lol r u srs


Yeah, I’m finally starting to learn that lesson. Haven’t been buying as many. I don’t have a count going, but if you count ps+ I wouldn’t doubt it if my backlog tops 200 or more (yikes). I don’t feel super bad about it because a lot of times I view it as supporting the developer/ studio/ idea behind the game in general

I just keep picking up more and more games and not finishing them. Like, I still haven’t finished Persona 5 and i’m having trouble keeping myself from picking up YIIK (even after the mixed reviews). It’s kind of a problem. I did beat Gris finally (not this week). Lived up to the hype.

The 'danger to our rights' bit actually made my stomach drop a bit. They seem to be positioning themselves to dismantle the FBI if it comes down to it, and you know they will try if they get the chance

Not big box grocery stores, liquor stores and convenience stores so...


Blood sorceress. Sand wizard. Skarlet + Geras =

Biggest piece of shit. Full stop.

Not art.

I was 18 in 1999 and I can tell you with assuredness that a lot of people took Y2K seriously. Obviously nothing happened but, it was a huge deal with a certain type of people my age (paranoid anti society types, I guess). It was also maybe not the advent, but the rise of - preppers. Go back in time and try to buy a

I know nobody will see this because I am permanently in the grays, but

I sleep just fine, buddy. Do you stay up at night gnashing your teeth, thinking about how lost the youth are? Hahaha grow down, man. The kids are just fine. Don't be such an old head. 

Laugh out loud

There were no eggs involved, no.

There is a pizza place I worked at in SF that sells a Portuguese pizza:

Oh man, The Sinking City looks great. I hope there's a patch for a playthrough sans fedora. 

Well as Phife once famously said: ”riding on the train with no dough - sucks”, and I think you’d be hard pressed to find somebody that disagrees with that. But as somebody who has experienced success in his chosen artistic field more than once (regional mid-market underground, not multiplatinum or anything) and also

Probably he's just really depressed after finding out how hollow success can feel. I hope he finds what he's looking for. 

Dark Moon was my first gamein the series and I loved it. Picked up the remake last October but i buy too many games and have way less time than I used to. Without the nostalgia factor of playing the original on gamecube, I gotta say I like the second game better so far. Very excited for the third installment and I