I am very happy with the results, tbh
I am very happy with the results, tbh
Thiswas a really good JEEP commercial
Lol this is great visualization
Doot doot doodoo doo doodoo doot doo doot doo
I was diagnosed with whiteness at a very young age (around the time my skin oxygenated).
I started ff6 recently for the express purpose of suplexing a train. I am happy to say that I now havethat doesn't l accomplishment under my belt thanks to the kotaku comments section :)
... but I just wanna dance
Ttoo real bro, too real
Haha yeah '96-98 was pretty... alright
What did yob do?
Emily is the single greatest character in this game, hands down. I loved her from the start tbh, and she only got better
Everybody on left is walking samely
I felt the same but I couldn’t hold off once Mario Odyssey came out... who am I kidding I caved a few months before that and bought it with Mario Kart because I was depressed and needed some Nintendo magic in my life. I don’t regret it at all but I go through phases back and forth with my Switch/PS4... and actually…
I don’t understand how kinja works at all and I have no idea why I show up here everyday, grey forever :,(
It was Caity Weaver for me. HamNo has done some classic stuff tho. I already don't like Gawker 2.0 or whatever we call this gizmodo thing, will be much less interesting if he leaves
Now more than ever!
thank you
I think you are a P-O-M-P-O-U-S T-W-A-T
I bought it on ps3 (used) a couple years back and never played it. Fired the old gal up recently because I brought my vita one few trips to play ff6 and was thinking of giving it a shot. Now I have an extra option. I like this month's lineup for all three platforms actually