Had to
Had to
I fully believed in all of these stories and I still ate there anyways (KFC)
Just make the Titus show and call it a day :/
There absolutely is tho
Ha, I have no idea what the weather’s like in Minneapolis right now. I’ll have to let you know after I fly back on Sunday (I live on the West Coast now).
Do you live in mpls
Horrid. Abominable. Wretched.
I was thinking about how much I relate to Retsuko, but then I realized I’m more of a Fenneko [ha.ha.ha.ha.ha.ha.]
Amazing anecdote, thanks for sharing
This game is so wack and all I see when I look at it is a bunch of Chads taking over Dolores Park <side eye>
This game is so wack and all I see when I look at it is a bunch of Chads taking over Dolores Park <side eye>
What is appropriative about this concept? Or are you just one of those “anti sjw” guys always looking for an argument nobody on the other side cares about?
I got resident evil.my sister would never play that with me.you are such a wimp, Liz
Seriously what a fucking herb
SeriouslySeriously why does Kotaku hate me?? I can’t get one comment published. Is the reason I’m in the greys here, but not AV Club because they follow me, and you all don’t? I’ve never understood kinja but it’s just ridiculous that I can’t leave comments on a site I’ve been visiting for over 5 years
DidDid you write this or is it real
Play your 3DS in 2018, you cowards
Ha.I’m from Minneapolis and I feel the exact same way about moving back
ExcellentExcellent post
Or if you’re like me, maybe eat an edible. Games look really cool when I’m hella stoned but they also kinda freak me out and definitely inhibit my ability to play certain games. Playing Thimbleweed Park right now on my Switch and it’s perfect for that