
I’mI on a big adventure game kick, and I LOVE claymation. Not even gonna watch the trailer cuz I already know that I’m buying this

I bought it

I used to work in a pizza place down there. Hopefully this pedestrian walkway (like a Minneapolis skyway?) will help alleviate foot traffic issues down there. Trying to get from Market past the Moscone when a convention is in town - or worse, dream force - is hellish.

Does she have hands full of BEES hahaha

ur 2 welcum <0>

My parents used to drop me off in a kiddie fun zone type of hourly daycare center in Calhoun Square when they wanted to see a movie at Suburban World or get a nice dinner without me. They kinderplatz had a little room with an Atari, and maybe a Commodore 64. I played ET and hated it, but there was a game called I

Wow.That is amazing and stupid.Thank you!

Long story short: Injustice 2 is so much better than the first one.

On the one hand,I don’t understand collecting toys as an adult.On the other hand,I refuse to let my parents toss out my Ninja Turtles collection from the nineties.Either way, if they made the Mountain Dew bot,I would buy it

Seems like maybe you expect a lot

trump and his supporters don’t deserve a civil discourse. him and you deserve to fuck off and I’m sure nobody on staff will miss you.you Pepe seem to think your clicks and views are just soooo essential.the type of people to try and get somebody fired thru yelp...btw you support a straight up fascist

that would be super hilarious if my hometown got nuked because you don’t want to “have to watch” a football game : /

It’s the gif that keeps on giffing

You are an entitled piece of shit. Full stop.

I have a horrible memory for this kind of thing, but thank you for reminding me about Kilton.Not only was he one of my favorite characters this year, but he has the same name as a kid I grew up with.

V relatable

I think his point here is that when you use adblock, sites like Kotaku don’t get the advertising revenue they depend on to operate

Hey Ice King is actually what got me into the show.Maybe not amazing but I loved it.Never finished Nameless Kingdom.I think it might even be one of the few games I traded in.I never trade in games, ever.It’s...not a good game

I took a break when I got my switch, and then came back when I got Nintendo’ed out.was not half as bad as I expected
